❤️How they show affection❤️

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{Mood Tom; Not my art}
Edd: physical affection
He loves giving you hugs and kissing the top of your head

Matt: Gifts + physical affection
He would just buy you random junk he thinks you'd like. His hugs could crush your spine. I feel like he would also make you weird macaroni art or smthn

Tom: Words of affirmation
He doesn't like a lot of human contact, so he'll always compliment you or just say what he loves about you. Kisses on the cheek and head are a norm-However, he does love snuggling with you in his room under warm blankets. Would make a song for you

Tord: romantic gestures and Physical contact
His hands always have to be on you, whether it be holding your hand or running through your hair. He is a bit extravagant with gifts and can get carried away, but he wants only the best for his partner.

Eduardo: Physical touch+ acts of service
He isn't that great with words so he shows you how much he loves you with his actions. He'll just randomly hug you throughout the day or leave small snacks or drinks around for you to find.

Jon: words of affirmation
Small sticky notes are a commonplace in this household. Normally they have 'I love you's on them or little jokes he knew would make you laugh. He also gets flustered easily by pda but enjoys every bit of it

Mark: acts of service
Like Tom, he isn't very keen on a lot of contact, so he likes to do things for you all the time. Usually by getting you take out, buying anything you would need or just helping you out in general

Paul: Quality time + physical touch
This man looovveesss to be around you whenever he can, giving you hugs and just holding you in his arms. Since he is in the Red army, any time with you is a cherished gift

Patryk: Quality time + acts of service
Like Paul, he can't be around all the time, so he tries to be around you at all times when you two can actually be together. Being the mom friend, he always makes sure to take care of you. Cooking fancy dinners, giving massages and running his hands up and down your back

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