🍳Can he cook?🍳

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{little late but I was lazy today}
Edd: yes
He literally made your entire meal of course he knows how to cook. Is usually one who makes breakfast and dinner when y'all ain't getting takeout

Matt: no
Dude can engulf platefuls of food in one sitting but can't cook to save his life. Only thing he knows how to make is toast and maybe a box cake

Tom: eh
He has basic knowledge in the kitchen and can cook for himself, but he's a little lazy and ends up just eating leftovers or microwaveable noodles. However, when he's hungover you know he's all about that home cooked, spicy comfort food

Tord: yes
He isn't as skilled at cooking as Edd, only really knowing how to cook a few meals. Most composing of meats and foul. Let's just say if he ever made you something you wouldn't die or get sick

Eduardo: definitely
Obviously him and Edd are rivals in almost anything they do, so he's also quite the self proclaimed pro in the kitchen. Though he shines more in the baked goods section, especially his breads

Mark: yes and no
He can cook properly, but it is so bland most of the time. His favourite seasoning is obviously salt. Giving him credit, his soups are actually pretty good, but that's it

Jon: no. mans bakes
He can't cook, but hunny bun can bake a cake. He's almost always in the kitchen making desserts or baked goodies, sometimes with Eduardo, for the house or maybe just for you.

Paul: god no
Love him to death, but he'd burn water. Can't even trust him with a toaster and a piece of bread. He'll either beg you to make him something or order takeout for dinner. Or just go to the base's cafeteria

Patryk: eh
Like Tom he isn't that into cooking but he can if he needs to. Whenever he does cook it's probably for Paul or a tired you. He isn't great at baking either, mistaking ingredients and not following recipes for some ungodly reason

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