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{*insert catchy song*}
Edd: Most definitely
Edd will literally go to pride parades with a 'free hugs' shirt on. This man is literally only second in saying happy pride to everyone. The first being Matt. He's very accepting and if he doesn't know what a certain sexuality or gender identity is he'll ask questions to learn more.

Matt: is this even a question?
Matt will literally do drag any day of the week and now that pride month is here he literally has an "excuse". Keep him away from pride parades cause you will loose him and half an hour will go by and he will somehow manage to climb onto a float.

Tom: yes
Tom is an ally, and he's very respectful...but he doesn't understand a lot about less know sexualities and gender identities. He knows the basics: gay, bi, lesbian, trans, all that good stuff. He'll still be accepting but you have to explain it to him, and if he messes up on accident he'll apologize. Not one for parades unless he can drink

Tord: questionable
I do think Tord would respect other's pride and the community as a whole, but he does make jokes that are on the boarder. He doesn't mean anything bad about them but he just doesn't fully understand. He does however go to pride parades just to dance to erotic music with other dudes to make homophobes uncomfortable.

Eduardo: yes
Eduardo knows what it's like to be ostracized and bullied, so he doesn't stand against the pride community but stands with them. Like Edd, he'll have a 'free dad's hugs' shirt on while touring parades and will protect anyone from homophobic hate. Eduardo low-key nabs himself rainbow beaded necklaces cause he can

Mark: eh
He isn't homophobic but he doesn't really care too much about the whole celebration concept. He'll go to a parade if Eduardo goes but he's really only there for support. If you were apart of the community he would respect you and treat you no differently because of who you are, even if he doesn't understand.

Jon: absolutely
Jon is so loving how could he not be an ally? He loves getting dressed up and going to parades and meeting a bunch of people. Even if homophobes yell at him he just enjoys himself, cause let's be honest, Eduardo would be behind him the entire time to scare away the hecklers.

Patryk: yes
Patryk, like Tom, might not fully understand every orientation but he respects and supports everyone. He's the mom friend so he obviously goes to parades and hands out water bottles if it's particularly hot outside. He owns a few pride pins and wears them proudly, even wearing a pronoun pin. Him and Paul have kissed in front of protesters cause he's a little gremlin man and he loves messing with people

Paul: duh
Paul is one of the fruitiest soldiers, of course he's an ally. This man would be decked out in crop tops and skirts all month long because screw gender norms and society. He's accepting of everyone and loves learning about how people found who they are and their journeys. If you have a story he'll listen, if your still in the closet he's there for you. And like Eduardo, he will throw hands with any homophobe.

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