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[Throw that hoe Tamara]
You guys already have Ringo, but I feel you might get either another cat or a small dog breed after a while. If you're allergic you guys would get a goldfish

Matt has always wanted an exotic animal. The novelty getting to him, so I feel you guys would get a ferret.

When you moved into the guy's house you had brought a pretty large sized dog(if you can't have dogs you can change it to cats or whatever). And of course, Tom had instantly dubbed it his drinking buddy

He bought you highly trained protection dogs. Either mastiffs or a large bully breed. Though they are trained, you still love to goof off with them and dress them up in baggy hoodies and sweaters.

Y'all would have a turtle. His name is Esteban de la Rosá Sanchez and he is pampered to no end. He lives in your guy's garden with multiple heating lamps and his own pool.

He has a snake. At first you were really cautious of the little danger noodle but after a while it grew on you and now you guys are best friends

You got him a chocolate lab puppy for his birthday one year and he is your son. He'd probably name it brownie or cookie dough

For some ungodly reason, this man just up and decides to get a rescue iguana from some sanctuary. They are treated like a baby and Paul built a fake tree and climbing course in your guy's dorm at the base

Bird. Just bird.
He has his own little "condor call" for it when walking around. Probably an African grey parrot or he'd tame hawks

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