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{If you don't get that reference you are too young—}
Edd, in the nicest and best way possible, is a man child so a married life with him is quite interesting. If you two had lived together as roommates or when you dated then nothing would change at all, only thing he'd do different is force you to share a room cause he wants cuddles with his fiancé. He'd refer to Ringo as your guy's child if he didn't do that already. Mans is very sweet and always welcomes you home with a big hug and kisses. If you don't like physical touch then he is more than willing to sweet talk your ear off

For you, his lovely spouse, he would share his vodka. I know, ground breaking on his part. Being real though he would try and cut back on drinking just so he could spend more time with you. Whether that be at home watching movies and cuddling or going out to dinner. He just wants to spend as much time with you as he can, as long as you in the mood to deal with his somewhat clingy nature. If not he'll leave you be, for half an hour. That's all you get to yourself.

Again, man-child. Need I say more? You can't even take him to the store anymore or else you'll loose him 10 minutes in and he'd either be in the beauty care isle looking at himself in the biggest mirror he could find or in the toys playing with everything he could. Despite being a little immature at times Matt loves to surprise you whenever you get home with little gifts or things he found that you might like

You thought he treated you like royalty when you two were dating, be prepared for marriage. Tord never really saw himself getting married in the past, but now that he has you he wants to do everything. He's talked about heirs in the future before, on multiple occasions, but promised to wait until you were ready. His flirting has gotten worse I'm afraid and he can no longer hold back in public, now that you are forever his he can't help it

One of the best husbands there is, if not the best. He's a true gentleman all the time but doesn't let that stop him from joking with and picking on you. Just cause he loves you doesn't mean you're free from his sassy nature, in fact it makes it worse cause he has embarrassing stories to use against you. Then again you have dirt on him too so you're both even. It's all in good fun though and by the end of the day you guys cuddle up on the couch and watch movies

Bun is so precious he gets even shyer in front of you. Not because he's awkward or uncomfortable, but because he can't believe that you're actually his. He adores you so much and always wants to do little crafts or baking with you just so he can be with you. With your help he gets more confident in himself and his abilities, once even telling Eduardo off when he accidentally crossed a line, though shakily. He has come a long way since being with you and he's very appreciative

Mark mellowed out a bit with marriage, getting more comfortable around others and yourself and just being able to be normal. Well—as normal as he can be with his roommates and neighbors being themselves. Mark is one of those types of guys who gives you his phone's password and shows you all of his texts. Not because he thinks you're controlling or u trusting, but because he doesn't want to send a mixed signal and have you get upset

Domestic as all heck! Paul will smother you with love and affection every day when you wake up together. He'll make you breakfast in bed on your days off and will even take care of you when you had a particularly long or stressful day. As soft and adorable as he is around you and people he knows he will not stand for anyone making you uncomfortable or upset. One wrong move and he's punching them in the face, or just straight up beating them half to death. It's worth it for you

In a tie with Eduardo for best husband material. Patryk is the mom friend, he knows how to take care of his fiancé/partner and he'll do it. He may be a dork sometimes but he'll treat you right, and more often that not will take care of everything around the house. His personality screams househusband, so while you're out making bank and getting that dough he makes sure everything is just right for when you get back.

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