👏Nicknames for eachother👏

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{Matt be spilling boiling tea}
For Edd: Cola boy, Sody pop, cat dad
Anything to do with his favorite drink is to be expected
For you: Sugar, babe, hun
Simple boi, simple names but still cute

For Matt: Lil Prince, Baby
Any flattering nickname will make him grin like a Cheshire cat
For you: princess/prince, my love
Lovey dovey man gives lovey nicknames. Y'all always gotta match

For Tom: Tommy, Babe
Both of you are pretty simple people, therefore simple names
For you: Babe, hun, bagel
As said before, simple boyo= simple nicknames. He does call you bagel sometimes for unknown reasons but you love it anyway

For Tord: Weebtrash, Hetai lord, love
Mostly to make fun of him jokingly, but he finds them hilarious so he doesn't get too mad
For you: Lovely, love, baby
Very romantic, slightly possessive but that just adds flavor~

For Eduardo: Eddiebear, plant man, big guy
Endearing but also annoying for him. He isn't used to nicknames so he'll throw a fuss but underneath he adores them
For you: Dummy, babe, baby, sprout
It's the plant nicknames for me- Wanted to get back at you for his nicknames so he made his own for you, but you ended up loving them and so they stuck

For Jon: Bun, angel cakes, baby
Sweet boi is precious so he must have the cutest nicknames ever
For you: love, hunny
Doesn't have too many for you because he felt that he didn't need a lot to have a higher meaning, his love shines through the nicknames

For Mark: Bookworm, Frenchie, love
Like Tord, mostly to poke fun at him with no ill intentions. He secretly smiles on the inside every time
For you: Babe, love
Isn't into giving nicknames so he sticks with two

For Paul: Big guy, love bug, bear, hun, Pau
Dispute his normal rbf, he is very cuddly and child-like so you love giving him cute nicknames
For you: Cuddle bug, baby, Sweet pea
Like I said, very child-like sometimes so the nicknames are always adorable, especially when he gets home after a while away and literally breaks the door down to get to you

For Patryk: Mom, Patty-cakes, Pat
Simple but fun names that were pretty random but stuck as time went on
For you: Babe, cutie pie, brat
Simple yet effective in making you smile every time he calls out to you

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