🍿Binge watching: part 1📀

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{I'm food and I want depressed}
Edd: Stranger Things
In the beginning you hadn't had much interest in watching the show, that is until your now boyfriend-then best friend had begged for you to watch it with him. Both of you have watched all of the available seasons more than once at least once a month.

Matt: Merlin (BBC)
Matt loves fairy tails and folklore, he is especially in love with the stories of King Arthur. He's watched every rendition of said story with glee and is always looking for more. You just happened to walk into the living room while he was watching Merlin and you were sucked into the plot.

Tom: BuzzFeed Unsolved: True Crime/Supernatural
It isn't really a "tv" show, but you both enjoy watching and rewatching the mysteries. Honestly though, y'all watch a lot of murder mysteries late at night, but true crime is your all time favourite. Watching requires a fluffy blanket on the couch and a big ol tub of popcorn

Tord: Tokyo Ghoul or DeathNote
He's finished Tokyo Gjoul so many times but is literally in love with the show while Death Note is a work in progress. He prefers more hands on violence and bloody battles in his anime but Death Note is pretty funny. He's begged you more than once to cosplay a character from either show. It has yet to be determined if you did or not

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