💚My hero💚

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{The thank you begins now- these'll be a bit shorter}
{this is before y'all start dating, but the feels are there}

Living with the boys always had it's moments. You guys would argue, laugh, and cry together. Through thick and thin you were there for one another, no questions asked. At least in the moment.

It was just chaos. And you guys liked it like that. A new adventure everyday right? New stories to tell when you get older. Doesn't matter what time of day, something has to go wrong for the day to feel right.

Sadly, that's exactly why you were now in this position, hovering over Edd as you wrapped his head in bandages.

He had fallen off the roof earlier that night after trying to fix the house's satellite. Eduardo had also been yeeted off of his, but to be fair he was the cause of all of this so it was a little deserved.

The explosion wasn't massive or too damaging but it was clearly strong enough to make both men loose their balance and fall backwards.

You'd facepalm if your hands were free. At least you could chew them out at a later date for their stupidity.

Edd's injury's weren't too severe. Having at worst a concussion and a few bruises. Same for Eduardo.

As much as you despised how he treated Edd and the others he was still a person. Besides, you lived with Tom. You could easily deal with one more grouchy burrito now and then.

Why you were the one looking after the cola-loving brunette was still a mystery to you. Sure Tom and Matt had carried him in and grabbed the supplies you needed but they literally dragged you out of your room and begged you to patch him up.

Which in itself was weird enough, but you couldn't say no to their pouting faces. They most likely wanted to get back to bed if you were being honest.

Huffing away any remaining grudges you had against those around you, you placed Edd's head back onto his pillow, checking him over one last time before you began cleaning up the supplies that were scattered around his bed.

A groan escaped your body as you got up, your body stiff from hunching over for such a long time.

Collecting your things you reached to pull up the brunettes covers, flinching when a hand had latched onto your wrist.

Now, you weren't sure if Edd was awake or just sleep moving so you did what any normal person would do: poke his face

"You up cola boy?"

Your voice came out in a whisper, not chancing waking him is he was actually asleep. Your response? His lips quirking up slightly in a smile.

Yeah he was asleep. Hopefully

"God you're weird"

You giggled, pulling your hand to set it free. It didn't work. His hand pulling you right back as his smile faded.

"Nuuu dun leave~" Edd's voice was slurred as his face scrunched into a pout

Ok. Maybe he wasn't as asleep as you thought. But he wasn't completely awake either.

"Why? You need sleep, I gotta go."

"Stay wiff me" his toddler speech hit you with a wave of embarrassment.

You had a pretty obvious crush on the cola loving brunette before you, almost everyone in the house picking up on it pretty quickly. Everyone except the man himself.

Surprisingly Matt was the first to connect the dots, badgering you during a sleepover to spill the beans. Tom was next, hearing it from Matt and then confirming it with you.

He was the most annoying. Always teasing you about your poor excuses at flirting and pushing you two closer together. Both literal and figuratively.

Now that you actually think about it you being with Edd in this moment makes a lot more sense as time passes.

You were so going to kill those two.

A shake of your head expelled these thoughts as Edd continued to pull at your hand. Trying to get you to lay with him.

You begrudgingly obliged and allowed him to snuggle your waist as you positioned yourself in a more comfortable position.

Edd's head lay in the crook of your neck, puffy hair tickling your nose. His arms creating a vise around you, holding you in place as he slept.

Finally finding a spot where you could peacefully lay down, your eyes fluttered shut. If you were gonna be trapped in here might as well catch some z's.

It took a hot minute but before you knew it you were drifting off to sleep. But not before hearing Edd's voice one final time that night.

"You're my heero.."

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