Chaos at the Auction House pt 2

Start from the beginning

"'Dark King' Silvers Rayleigh," said Kidd. "What's a living legend like you doing here?"

'Living legend?' Yukiko thought.

"I'm just an ordinary coating specialist who lives on this island now," answered Rayleigh. "People just call me 'Ray', and please, don't call me by that other name. I'm just an old veteran, trying to live in peace."

Rayleigh approached Hatchan and gently put a hand on his chest.

"Hey," he said. "You gonna be okay, there, Hachi? You're not gonna die on me, are you?"

"No," Hatchan said. "I think I'm gonna be okay."

"I did say don't come walking around this place, Hachi," said Rayleigh. "It's dangerous for folks like you."

"Sorry, Rayleigh," Hatchan apologized.

Rayleigh looked up to the rest of the Straw Hats.

"Thank you," he said. "You saved my friend's life."

"Hey, old man," said Luffy. "Why did you say you wanted to see me?"

"We'll talk about that later," said Rayleigh. "Right now, we need to worry about getting outta here."

"Boss," said one of Kidd's men. "The Marines already got this place completely surrounded."

"Attention, pirates!" called one of the Marines outside. "Release the Roswald Family, at once! The Admiral will be arriving soon, so we highly recommend that you give yourselves up, immediately! We won't be held responsible for what happens, rookies!"

Law heaved a sigh.

"Well, well," he said. "It appears that we're not even seen as victims. Just accomplices."

"Hey we got to see how crazy 'Straw Hat' Luffy and Beast Master Yukiko truly is," Kidd said. "I got no complaints, but I sure as hell don't wanna mess with an Admiral."

"Sure!" Rayleigh said, suddenly. "And just so you know, I'm not using that little ability of mine, again, so you guys are on your own. If the Marines find out who I really am, I won't be able to stay in the Archipelago anymore."

"Well, the longer we wait," Kidd began as he and his crew turned to leave, "the more Marines gather. I'm going out first, so I'll be the one to save you guys. Don't even bother coming out, since there won't be any left for you!"

Luffy and Law turned to Kidd with scowls.

Yukiko sighed then took out a special Pokeball. "Guess this is a good opportunity for this little guy to get some action."


Outside, the Marines were readying their weapons, prepared to arrest the pirates inside the building, until they saw four figures marching out in the open. Five if they count the squirrel. The three males appear to be arguing that they will handle it but Yukiko just sighed at their childish fight.

"There they are!"

"Take aim!"

"It looks like they're going to be the front line for the attack!"

"Monkey D. Luffy, and Beast Master Yukiko, both worth 350 million."

"Thunder Squirrel Pachi, worth 280 million."

"Eustass Kidd, Worth 315 million."

"Trafalgar Law, worth 200 million."

"They all have bounties exceeding 100 million!"

"You two can stay back," said Luffy.

"And I'm telling you two to stay back," said Kidd.

"I'll kill you if you ever tell me what do again, Eustass," said Law.

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