Chapter 61: Eclipse Gate!

Start from the beginning

"I don't remember how many days passed. When I came to, I remembered Eclipse. I didn't know how to activate it, but I opened the gate by instinct. And then I ended up here in the past. On July 4th." Future Lucy explained.

"But that's very recent." Loke who was summoned during a battle, and was still with the group said.

"Can the Eclipse only travel a few days to the past?" Mira questioned.

"But the plan was to go back 400 years in the past and defeat Zeref..." Wendy said sounding a little confused.

"I don't know. Part of it was broken, so maybe that's why." Future Lucy said looking down with teary eyes.

"I'm sorry... I didn't come from the future with an answer. I don't know how to keep all of this from happening. I'm really sorry. It's like, why did I come here? Until today, I didn't know what to do, so I just wandered around the city." Future Lucy apologized feeling useless over not being able to do anything.

"Nah, we'll do somethin'." Natsu walked up to future Lucy and placed his forehead up against hers. "Thank you. You're doin' this for our future." Natsu said to which future Lucy started to cry. "I swear we'll change the future."

"Thank you..." Lucy cried.

The games were over, and the cheers over Fairy Tail's victory still echoed throughout the city. "The tournament is finally over." Neos stretched his arms a bit, and then looked towards the palace. 'Natsu and his group haven't signaled us with a flare yet. They should have been done by now. Did something go wrong?' Neos narrowed his gaze at the palace.

"Hey, did anyone of you see any flare from Natsu and the others?" Mana questioned while relocating her arm, like Neos she had not seen any sign from Natsu and his group that they had rescued Lucy.

"I was a little occupied fighting that monster of a wizard saint for a moment, after that I didn't see anything though." Laxus replied as his body felt sore from fighting against Jura, he looked over at Neos for a moment, and then he looked into his own palm. 'The gap between our strengths... its way bigger than I imagined. He took Jura out in one attack during day 1, not to mention he was holding back, and I can barely walk after fighting him. I knew he was way stronger than me after he beat old man Gildarts, but I didn't think the gap was by this much.' Laxus clenched his fist over in frustration at how far behind he was Neos when it came to their strength, even when Neos was running out of time. Laxus still considered himself Neos's rival, he wondered if Neos did the same.

"Knowin' Salamander, he might have forgot about the flare." Gajeel said with a sigh. "That moron is so annoying."

"He might actually have..." Erza sweat dropped over how true the possibility was.

"I doubt it, even if Natsu forgot, the others would most likely remind him to do it. Either they still haven't completed their task, or something has happened to them..." Neos replied and everyone started to look a little worried.

Neos' Fusion Ring glows as he brings it up.

"Heh? What is it?"Neos spoke and his team all turned to him.

"Thank god you pick up. Look, we don't have much time. Apparently, the figure that we found that day was Lucy but from the future." Jellal spoke through the link sounding a little nervous, only Neos could hear what he was saying as the link was connected to his mind.

"What? How?" Neos question, he really didn't expect a time traveler to appear.

"Look, I don't have much time to explain but... on the July 7th, over 10,000 dragons will appear." Jellal said now finally able to tell Neos about what Future Lucy told them.

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