"Three...Two... One..."

"Gaon Hou!" Franky yelled.

"FIRE!" Franky and Usopp announced.

The resulting beam of light shot, blasting away the flying fish and their riders, and debris in its destructive wake.

"Amazing!" Nami gasped despite the devastating blast it gave out that destroyed half the base.

On land, Zoro shielded his eyes from a captain shining with awe. "You're too impressed!"

"Wow! That was almost as powerful as Lugia's Aeroblast!" Yukiko yelled.

Franky laughed. "Did you see that? The Sunny's full power?"

"That move took out almost all the Flying Fish..." Chopper gasped in awe.

"That's just how good Usopp is! Even if it was his first try, it was magnificent!"

Usopp himself was whooping with admiration. "WHOO! What an amazing destructive power!"

"Sunny!" Luffy punched the air with both hands in awe.

"Lion Chan is incredible!" Brook did the same. "It seemed as if my eyes were going to pop out! Though I have no eyes to pop out..."

"It uses three barrels of cola to prevent the ship from being blown away, and at the same time, it releases two barrels worth of Coup de Burst from the cannon. It uses a ton of cola, so don't you overuse it!"

"Caimie!" Nami exclaimed as the mermaid broke the water surface.

"Thank goodness!" Chopper squealed. "Is Sanji alright?"

"Everyone, it's terrible!" Keimi shouted back. "Sanji-chin is losing a lot of blood!"

"Huh?" Nami gasped.

"Did he get done in?" Chopper shouted.

"Just when I thought I'd saved him, a lot of blood suddenly started flowing out of his nose!"

"Huh? Nosebleed?"

"Should've known...." Yukiko sighed. 'I'm happy my man isn't like that.....'

"It's fine..." Usopp muttered mutinously. "If he dies like that, then let him die."

"-.- That's true..." Nami sighed. "At least he seems happy."

"Hang in there, Sanji-chin!"

Then Duval starts to make a commotion. Something about his large cow, Motobalo, that has apparently killed dozens.

But Duval made the mistake of aiming for Yukiko.

Luffy just frowns as he stopped the bull in its tracks in one strong grip on its snout.

"BACK OFF MY WOMAN!" He yelled and something odd happens.

It takes a moment to register since the cow is freaking out. It seems scared of Luffy once it made eye contact. It turns around and runs away only for it to pass out.

"Huh?" "Pa?" "Vee?"

"Luffy, what happened?" Yukiko asked.

"I don't know!" Luffy said.

"Did the cow get psyched out or something?" Nami asked.

"No clue, but I guess Luffy intimidated it." Usopp muttered.

"But how could it get so scared it passed out?" Robin asked.

The Yukiko had a strange feeling as she thought she saw Luffy being ambushed. She looked to see two people attacking out of the blue and she rushed to take out the two fish flyers, and somehow took out their swords as well.

"Whoa! How did you do that?! You didn't even use your power?!" Luffy asked in amazement. "Oh, and thanks!" He said as he hugged his girl.

Yukiko didn't know either, but she saw that neither of her arms were injured.

However, Sanji is up and awake now. He’s out of the ocean and tells Luffy to stop before he states, “I’ll finish things with this finger-pointing idiot. I don’t want to so much as see the scribbles on that wanted poster! You shouldn’t have a face like that.”

"Oh, dear." Yukiko said.

Sanji starts to repeatedly kick Duval’s face.

"Oeil! Nez! Joue! Bouche! Dents! Menton!"

"Please, stop..."

"Parage... Shot!"

Duval was sent flying into one of his collapsed buildings by a barrage of kicks to the face.

"Taste the classiness of my finishing attack, and end your misery," Sanji growled. "You shitty bastard."

After that fight, the Thousand Sunny was docked in the middle of the ocean, a small pink takoyaki stand boat connected to it.

"It's good!" Luffy cried out between mouthfuls of takoyaki.

"Right? Hachi's takoyaki is the best in the world, isn't it?" Caimie smiled.

"I have to agree, it's delicious!" Yukiko said.

"Eh…Nami, how is it?" Hachi asks and they all freeze and swallow slowly.

Yukiko was concerned as Nami hasn't said a word since Hachi on the ship, and he was trying to smooth things over, honestly he was.

"Don't think that just because of this I've forgiven you," Nami said quietly and Hachi threw all six of his arms up and began to shake them and his head.

"No, no of course not. I just…wanted to know if they tasted good," Hachi said and looked to the floor. His hands were sweating and his heart was beating like crazy. He was nervous.

"It's really good," Nami said and finally looked at Hachi. This made the fishman perk up and smile.

He became very excited and made takoyaki faster than before, making Camie and Pappug yell at him because they couldn't keep up. They only had two hands each while he had six.

After Hachi was done cooking takoyaki and Camie had finished cleaning the grill (and after Duval, with his new face appeared to thank Sanji,) they all came on board of the Sunny and began to share information with the pirates. Camie explained that they were headed to a place called Sabaody Archipelago.

"You can't go to Fishman Island before stopping by there first. Fishmen and mermen can just dive straight to get there. But that's impossible for humans," Camie explained.

"Right. The pressure would kill you. After all, it's located ten thousand feet down below the surface. It's actually right under Mariejoa." Hachi clarified.

"There are actually two routes to the New World. One is safer, but it can't be used by pirates, because only the world government and marines  use that route. It entails going over the Red Line, through the World Capital, and then into the New World, but it would mean leaving this ship behind and getting a new one in the New World," Pappug explained which obviously Franky was against.

"But there is one way you'll be taking will allow you to get through with your ship and everything," Camie began, and they all turned their heads to her. Pappug becoming disheartened at losing the attention. "It's the Ocean-floor Route, which goes by Fishman Island. But it can be dangerous, as Sea Kings could swallow your ship."

"How do we get Sunny to travel underwater?" Nami asked, not knowing how that would be done.

"You have to get your ship coated, which is done in Sabaody. We'll explain coating better when we arrive, so you'll be able to understand it better when you see the place we're going to," Camie said and smiled.

They would wait to understand then.

Yeah! We're at Sabaody soon!

Plz comment!

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