The full moon is here... It's Werewolf Week!

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October 23, 2023


A full moon hangs in the sky... The air is crisp... A cool breeze makes the hair on your arms stand on edge. A howl sounds off in the distance.

Werewolf Week is officially upon us, bringing with it Wattpad's best stories featuring mated bonds, underdogs, Alphas, and self-discovery. These stories aren't always scary. Sometimes they're heart-wrenching, touching, romantic, and spicy. But one thing binds them all — the mystery underworld of werewolves.

Dive into such underworlds by reading stories from our round up of some of the most popular werewolf stories on Wattpad. To get more of the Werewolf Week activities, follow us on Instagram, X (Formerly Twitter), and TikTok, and the Ambassador Werewolf Profile!

Overwhelmed by choice? We get it. Start here with these three picks from our Full Moon Reads reading list:

S3: Always Luna by XDeafening_SilenceX

Pregnancy with two Lycan twins poses many concerns and Nova and Phoenix plan to seek out answers for their safety, but instead they're met with a past threat that has reappeared with diabolical plans.

P.S. This story is FREE until Oct 27 and S4: Forever Luna is FREE from Oct 25 - Nov 3.

S1: APEX by amberkbryant

He's the alpha...but she's in charge.

Rhys Rawlings and Calla Bardot are the eldest children of rival werewolf pack leaders. They have no reason to interact, until fate forces them together.

Within the megalopolis city of Sury, two packs claim territory: Crown, an old lineage, and Apex, a rising powerhouse. A truce is in place between the rival packs, until the day an Apex member is filmed attacking an innocent person on Crown land.

S1: The Moonlit Curse by MC_Matthews

Kiya Bridges has spent her whole life learning to hunt the unnatural. She, alongside the five other members of the Monster Hunter Corps, are some of the most capable soldiers the Kingdom of Westmora has ever seen. But since no one has seen a monster in over five hundred years, it's hard to take the missions seriously. 

All it takes is one bite from a rogue werewolf to shatter Kiya's worldview and open a void of uncertainty beneath her feet. One bite, and she is forced to confront everything she thought she knew about the world. With no one else to rely on, the only person she can turn to is the local innkeeper, August.

Happy reading, Wattpadders... 📚🎃

— Wattpad HQ

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