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Avery's Point Of View

I gave out a sigh as I listen to my secretary go over what my schedule is like this week, I put my head in my hand as my elbow was on my arm rest of my chair, uninterested in what she was saying, I look up slightly as I hear loud voices coming from outside my office and loud footsteps coming towards the door

I look over at the clock before giving out another sigh as I lean back in my chair with my head tilted up at the celling knowing who was about to come in, all of a sudden Drake, my friend from freshman year of high school and followed me all the way to collage

"GOOD MORNING AVERY!!!!" he said loudly

I gave out a groan as I put my hand on my forehead

"Drake what did I say about barging in here in 8 in the morning screaming your head off?" I mumble

"Enough about that, I have something of interest for you~" Drake said as he walked over to my desk and put down an envelope

I sit straight again and looked down at the envelope on my desk, I wave and dismissed my secretary, she then quietly walked out of my office and closed the door behind her, I then leaned over my desk having my arms crossed on my desk

"What's in it?"



"A person who I think you'd might be interested in"

I looked up at him, he's been trying to hook me up with dates for years, and has yet been successful, I gave out a sigh as I picked up the envelope and emptied the contents inside

Pictures on top of pictures of this women with light pink hair and eyes in multiple places, picking out books, drinking coffee, and petting cats, so mundane, so ordinary, I then pick up the photo of the girl petting a cat on the street, she looks so innocent and kind

"So, is she to your liking?" Drake asked 

I gave out a glare as I lean back, slipping the photo in my pants pocket as I leaned back with my hands in my pockets

"So, who is she?" I ask

"So you are interested in her" he said amused

I shot him another glare while he gave out a chuckle, he then slipped a stack of papers in front of me, I take it and skim through it as he started to talk

"Her name is Riley Stevens, she's 21 and she's attending collage for a veterinary degree." He said

I flip the page of the packet as I looked up at him and he had a smirk on his face before continuing

"She works at the library when she doesn't have any classes, and a cat café when she does on certain days, she has school on Monday to Thursdays and she attends Saturday classes once a month"

I gave out a scoff

"She's a model student with these grades.." I say while looking at her transcript

"Better than ours combined" Drake joked along with me

I gave out another scoff as he kept on talking

"She also likes cats, and cat related things" he finishes

I then looked up at you as I arched an eyebrow

"That's it?"

"Well what's the fun of knowing the person when you know everything?" He mused

I gave out a sigh as I put the packet back down on my desk and leaned back in my chair with my arms across my chest as I closed my eyes and looked up at the ceiling

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