Izuku: *Whispering* "Silas!"

Mirko glanced in his direction but went back to paying attention to the officer.

Officer: "Our objective today is to subdue the gang members as well as securing the fuel! We move out as soon as possible! Dismissed!"

The three heros and the police all then filed out from the room and down to the parking lot. The police got in their vehicles and took off. Just as Izuku was about to transform, he felt a hand on his shoulder. He turned to see Mirko there.

Mirko: "Kid. I don't know what's going on, but I know something's up."

Izuku: "Let's just say, that man from the picture is very dangerous and has a grudge against me. If he's there, I don't know what could happen."

Mirko: "You won't be alone."

Izuku nodded. She let go of him and he shifted to his Jet Form. He took off and caught up to the police.


Izuku landed on a roof across from the factory the police stopped at and changed his arm into a nucleon charge rifle.

Izuku landed on a roof across from the factory the police stopped at and changed his arm into a nucleon charge rifle

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Mirko walked up to him.

Mirko: "Whoa. Didn't know you could do that. See anything?"

Izuku zoomed into the yard around the factory.

Izuku: "A lot of scrapped drones. Don't know if they're empty or not. There's a few guards on the outside, but none on the roof. I can't tell how many are inside, but there's definitely a lot of fuel inside."

Mirko: "Let me guess, you can detect energy too."

Izuku: "Only if it's signature is high, or there's a lot of it. It also helps that this fuel is what keeps me alive."

Mirko: "What?"

Izuku: "You heard me. The fuel in there is the same that I drink."

Their radios crackled to life.

Officer: "We're moving in now."

Izuku: "This is Dekiru, the guards seem to be armed."

Officer: "Roger that. Move!"

Izuku shifted his arm back to normal.

Mirko: "You head the man, let's go!"

She leapt from the building and made it into the factory yard in one leap. Izuku then noticed the glass roof of the factory. He shifted to his Jet Form and flew above it. He then flew straight down and shifted into Partial Cybertronian Form just as he hit the glass. He flipped around and landed in the center of the factory floor. Many guns were then pointed at him.

Man: "B-Boss! A hero got in!"

Boss: *Yelling* "Gun him down!"

The gang members opened fire on Izuku, doing nothing to him. Soon, their weapon ran empty.

Izuku: "Now, who's first?"

He heard a shout behind him and turned, catching a stone covered fist.

Izuku: "Nice try. Next time, no war cry."

He broke the rocks and used his other hand to slam the man into the ground, knocking him out. He heard footsteps to his left and swung his arm out, knocking the person away. He slowly cleared his way to the boss of the gang, who decided it was his time to fight. He leapt down fem his place in the catwalks and punched Izuku, denting his metal plating.

Izuku: "You're strong. But not strong enough."

He grabbed the man's arm and flipped him over his head, slamming him into the ground with all his strength, heavily injuring the man. The man remained conscious as Izuku approached. The man could see Izuku's on blue eye had become pure red. A laugh escaped Izuku's voice box, then something hit him in the head. He looked up, to see the first man had reawakened.

Izuku?: "Oh? Little bug come back to play?"

The man backed up in fear as Izuku approached him. Before Izuku could reach him, the boss had managed to get up, pick up a metal beam that had been knocked down, and hit Izuku with it. Izuku got knocked back and hit the wall. The impact seemed to awaken Izuku from whatever had happened to him. He slowly looked up, just for the metal beam to hit him again, and knock him unconscious.

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