Battle of Unicron Pt. 2

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It had been days at this point. Neither the Nemesis nor the troops on the ground had found an entrance to Unicron's lower layers. Izuku and Megatron both landed on top of a tower. While neither wanted to show it, they were running low on Energon, their thrusters may not take much, but they had been flying non-stop. Izuku took a step forward to over look the vast metal surroundings, only to fall to one knee.

Izuku: "I'm low. How are your Energon reserves doing?"

Megatron: "I am in a similar state. The Nemesis has plenty, though I do not believe Unicron will allow any more ground bridges to open on his surface."

Izuku: "And our thrusters would guzzle the last of it if we tried to fly."

Megatron: "We walk from here until backup arrives. We cannot afford to sit still."

Izuku: "Agreed. Though if worse comes to worse, we may have to punch through his outer layer and resort to Dark Energon."

Megatron: "As much as I want it, Dark Energon is highly dangerous to use while Unicron is active. The last one to try it became his puppet until I snuffed out their spark."

Izuku: "Well, the matrix might protect me."

Megatron: "Let us hope it does if we must resort to that. Now we must go."

Izuku nodded and the two jumped from the tower, landing on the surface and starting to walk.


Four hours later, and neither of them were doing well. They had found an upturned piece of metal, most likely from a previous conflict, and sat behind it.

Megatron: "Where is it? It must be close."

Izuku: "It must be, the Dark Energon shard is reacting more than ever."

Izuku attempted to stand but immediately fell right back down.

Izuku: "Damn it! I can't get up, can you?"

Megatron: "No. We have roughly the same reserves, if you can't move then neither can I."

Just then one of Unicron's drones hovered over to them, a voice both knew instinctively must be Unicron's came out from it.

Unicron: "So you are the leaders of the pests on my surface. One a Prime, the other a nobody warlord."

Izuku chuckled.

Izuku: "A nobody warlord? Have you not seen Cybertron in the last few million years?"

Unicron: "I know of Cybertron's fate. But that is but a fraction of what I am able and in a far longer time."

Izuku: "Oh? So you do. Well then, you should know just how good the Autobots and Decepticons are at killing metal planets."

Unicron then chuckled at them.

Unicron: "You specks of scrap believe you stand a chance? Good luck. Now, any last words?"

Izuku: "Finally."

Megatron: "Took them long enough."

Unicron: "Hm? Those are pecu-"

The drone was then smashed to the ground by a large hammer. It then began to float back up but was fried with a shock staff.

???: "Well! Look at who we found!"

???: "Yes, it seems our dear leader is in need of his medic."

Izuku: "Just on time. Well come to the fight of your lives, Breakdown, Knockout."

Knockout: "Strange, never seen you before

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Knockout: "Strange, never seen you before. A new recruit perhaps? One of Lord Megatron's many attempts at artificial protoforms?"

Megatron: "Give us the Energon Knockout!"

Knockout: "Alright alright. No need to get upset with me."

The Decepticon medic pulled out a container of Energon, attached it to a field injector, and gave Megatron the whole container. Megatron then stood up.

Megatron: "This will do, we must save as much Energon as possible. Now for the Prime."

Breakdown: "Prime!? Why are we helping him!?"

Megatron: "We have a deal. Work together to stop Unicron, and we get as much Dark Energon as the Nemesis can carry."

Knockout: "Well that explains it."

He repeated the process on Izuku who then stood up too, though only about half of his reserves had been filled.

Izuku: "Thank you Knockout."

Knockout: "See! Now this is a patient! Thanking me after helping him. The most I ever got was a nod from Screamer!"

Megatron: "Enough unnecessary chatter! We have to move. Did either of you see Ultra Magnus or Predaking on your way here?"

Breakdown: "We saw Magnus' ship, but not him."

Knockout: "Knowing him, he's trying to lead the Autobots in this one's absence."

Megatron: "I said enough Knockout."

Knockout dramatically bowed.

Knockout: "My apologies my liege."

Izuku: "Let's go!"

Megatron: "Yes, we've wasted enough time. Move!"

The group of four began running in the direction that the Dark Energon shard pointed them. The Battle of Unicron was in full swing.

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