Battle of Unicron Pt. 1

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A large blue, green, and purple portal opened on a landscape of metal. Out of the portal came 9 figures, Megatron, Izuku, and their respective factions emerged and hit the ground with metallic thumps. The the ground bridge closed.

Megatron activated his comms.

Megatron: "Megatron to the Nemesis, I want all available troops laying siege to Unicron's surface fortifications and scanning his surface for possible entryways."

He seemed to get a confirmation as multiple ground bridges opened above the large group and many flying vehicons came out.

Megatron: "That should make our job easier. My ground troops are spread around Unicron's surface."

Izuku nodded.

Izuku: "Backup has been called from the closest sectors, they should arrive soon. For now, we're on our own."

Barricade: *Yelling* "You believe Lord Megatron needs backup!? What kind of-"

He was silenced by a wave of his leader's hand.

Megatron: "The Prime was right to call back up. I am powerful, but I am also no fool. If we went at Unicron alone we would surely lose. Who is coming?"

Izuku: "Ultra Magnus, Hot Rod, and Break Down all pledged they would come."

Megatron: "Knock Out will not be far behind Break Down, I have rarely seen the two apart."

Izuku hummed a response.

Izuku: "Predaking had also been messaged, though he hasn't said anything back."

Megatron: "We may need his strength for this battle. Now, no time to lose. Can you fly Prime?"

Izuku: "If given a vehicle to scan, yeah."

Megatron: "As much as I hate helping you, you will need this. You shall scan me. I will not be harmed, my armor has been designed to resist scanning."

He then jumped and shifted to his Cybertronian jet form. Izuku's eyes flashed a bright blue as the pane of light fell over Megatron. As it finished Izuku jumped and shifted into his new form. The only visible difference between him and Megatron was that he was green.

Izuku: "We will search from the sky while you all search down here. Radio if you find something. Also, atleast tolerate each other for a while."

Megatron: "Enough chatting, we must go."

The two then took off.


Tokage took down yet another drone as it attempted to kill a family. She took a knee infront of them, partially to make sure they were okay, and partially to rest.

Tokage: "You all okay? -pant-"

Father: "Yeah, but are you? You're a student you should be in a shelter!"

Tokage: "No, I'm doing my job right now. Now go, get to safety."

They nodded and started running towards the nearest shelter. Suddenly a light was shone on Tokage and she turned around to see another attack drone.

She sighed and pulled on the power of One For All once more, going up to her new limit of 15%

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She sighed and pulled on the power of One For All once more, going up to her new limit of 15%. She split and sent her barrage at the drone, battering it until it wasn't functional. She then reformed and leapt off to continue rescuing drones.


Tsu kicked another drone, but they kept coming. She had found a park full of people and went in to protect them, but they large amount of people attracted too many drones. She was hit in her arm by one of their bullets, which thankfully were actual bullets instead of energon. She hit the ground hard. She was tired and when combined with the pain in her arm, she couldn't get back up.

The drone hovered over top of her, readying another shot. She had almost accepted her fate when a large, bright green object hit the drone away.

???: "Human, are you okay? -kero-"

She looked up to see something she didn't know even existed, a frog shaped Cybertronian.

She looked up to see something she didn't know even existed, a frog shaped Cybertronian

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Tsu: "I'll be okay with some rest. -kero-"

She then spied the Decepticon symbol on his head.

Tsu: "Why would a Decepticon care about a human?"

???: "I don't, but you're a frog, so I'll make an exception. -kero- The name's Springload."

Tsu stood up and pulled a bandage from one of her pouches.

Tsu: "-kero- Call me Froppy."

She proceeded to wrap up her arm.

Tsu: "I'm good now. I need to keep protecting the civilians here."

Springload: "And my orders are to stop the drones. Maybe an alliance is in order. -kero-"

Tsu nodded.

Tsu: "We have work to do then. -kero-"

Speingload: "Right."

The two then hopped off to continue fighting off Unicron's drones.

The battle has just begun, humans and Cybertronians are fighting against Unicron. But the planet eater has some tricks of his own.

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