Camp and New Allies

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Izuku was riding in a black car in the back seat alongside Kota. Shino and Tsuchikawa were upfront, Shino was driving.

Izuku: "You do know I'm faster right? Could've just gotten in my driver seat Shino."

Shino: "Yeah, but then your class would recognize you immediately, we want this to be a surprise, remember?"

Izuku: "Yeah."

Kota: "So none of them know you're hear Un- Midoriya?"

The other three decided to not tease the small boy over almost calling Izuku uncle.

Izuku: "Only Mr. Aizawa does."

Tsuchikawa: "Alright! Get ready, there the are. Looks like they beat us."

Izuku: "Hey, Tsuchikawa."

Tsuchikawa: "Yeah Midoriya?"

Izuku: "Try Todoroki, I think he would be a good choice. Him or maybe Sero."

Izuku could feel Shino rolling her eyes at his plan to keep her friend off of most of his class. Tsuchikawa nodded excitedly and started paying more attention to the class as they pulled up.

Once the car was stopped both Shino and Tsuchikawa got out, introducing themselves as Mandalay and Pixie-Bob. Izuku watched Tsuchikawa's eyes lock onto Todoroki and Sero. He chuckled and waited for his signal.

Shino: "And we have a special guest! Come on out!"

With that said Izuku opened the car door and stepped out, making that class gasp in surprise. He walked up to Shino and stood next to her.

Izuku: "Surprise! I'm sure you'll all have a great time getting the lay of the land, but be warned, there's dangerous monsters and beasts down in that forest. Also stay away from mine and Kota's cliff, I won't do anything but he WILL try to knock you off. We'll talk later, Ta ta!"

Suddenly Tsuchikawa, who had quietly walked to the side, launched the class from the cliff side.

Aizawa: "Now that that's over, how will we get to camp, that's a four seater."

Izuku: "That's where I come in!"

Izuku shifted into Full Cybertronian Form, picked up Shino, and then transformed to Vehicle Form with her in the driver seat.

Izuku: "We're gonna get going, catch us if you can!"

With that he drove off towards the WWP agency with Shino, leaving the other three to drive back in the black car.

Four hours later the class, significantly worse for wear, stumbled out of the forest, to see Izuku playing Tic-tac-toe with Kota in the dirt. He looked up as he heard them and waved. The only reaction that wasn't irritated indifference was the glare of hatred coming from Iida. Unbeknownst to anyone, Iida wasn't over the whole, being tied to a lamppost, thing when Izuku fought Stain. Izuku decided he would deal with it later. Shiretoko and Chatora came out to direct the class inside, while Tsuchikawa had started to look Todoroki and Sero over.

As the class went inside Shino walked over to Izuku with Aizawa right behind her, a serious look on her face. Izuku stood up.

Izuku: "What's up?"

Shino: "An energon signal on the road a few miles from here, whoever it is, they're coming here."

Izuku: "They're on the road so they aren't flyers. Decepticon wise it's either Knockout, Breakdown, or a vehicon. If it's not one of them it could be an Autobot."

Aizawa: "We can't take any chances, go find out who it is, we'll be on standby to call for heros if things get ugly."

Izuku nodded, transformed, and started the drive. It didn't take long, the close range scanner he had Shino install alerted him to their approach, so he transformed back to Human Form and stood in the middle of the road. After a couple minutes a yellow motorcycle turned the corner, it's holographic rider flickering in the sun.

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