With the last word, Harry's pinky finger pops out and he grins at me. His green eyes looked extra crystal clear and bright in the sunlight today and I wanted to compliment them, along with telling him how cute he looked with the disheveled hair and pinky promise innocence. But, I remind my brain that it is Harry, and that would be bad to do.

I weight my choice with a mental pro and con list, but after about three seconds of trying to think Harry gets bored of waiting, "Whatcha' thinking up there?" he says as he rolls his pinky back into his fist and instead brings forward his index finger to tap against my forehead.

I didn't like the action and was slightly shocked by it. My knee-jerk reaction was to swat Harry's hand away. "I was trying to think about what could go wrong if I go with you. So far the only thing that makes this seem like a decent idea is that it will end in ice cream. Spending time with you sucks, but the dessert after will at least be a reward for sticking through it."

"So that's a yeah?" Harry starts to walk off without even letting me fully agree.

I realize, getting lost in Hollywood might not be a good idea, and maybe Harry isn't the worst person I could be stuck with.... Right? I quickly catch up to him and fall in motion with his own strides. I hold out my hand next to him with the pinky out mimicking the earlier motion.

Harry looks at my hand, back to me, to my hand, and once again in my eyes before giving me an approving nod and a toothy grin. That same fucking grin that he does when he actually seems happy. Harry interlocks our pinky's and gives our hands a solid shake motion to seal the deal.

"Here we are actually." I look around and notice nothing.

"Cool. You took me two blocks to nowhere. Thank you so much for this enlightening adventure Harry." I sassily remark while glancing at the buildings nearby, nothing seemed to jump out at me as some sort of a crazy landmark or thing we should be visiting.

"No dummy. Stop looking all around, look down." Harry nodded his head towards the ground.

The sun was warm on my back today, not a single cloud in the sky. The air felt slightly muggy despite the fact it was considered fall time, partially due to how many people were bustling around the sidewalks. There were women being escorted with held hands across street corners, dogs leading their owners across the paths and weaving between onlookers who noticed the street performance artists, but none of that was what Harry directed me towards.

The sidewalk was not pavement, and somehow I hadn't noticed it before. Everything was dark black with glitter, but it wasn't just that. There were stars embedded in the sidewalk and it dawned on me where we were and what we were seeing. It was the Walk of Fame, where all the Hollywood big names get their name in a star and gushed over by everyone. That's where Harry took me.

"There isn't a Nirvana or Kurt one, I already checked. So this was the next best thing I figured. I heard you singing along to 'Girls on Film' that day in the shower at the apartment, so I kinda' guessed that this would be a cool star for you to see?" Harry sounded almost nervous as he shielded his eyes with the back of his hand while using the other to point at the star about five feet in front of me. 

I never even noticed I sang in the shower that day. I know I host singular concerts in there at times, and get caught up in my own little world... but not in front of Harry. I completely must have lapsed that part of memory... but he didn't.

The Duran Duran star was shining in the sunshine directly at me. The golden outline of the letters and star mixed together to create a shimmer in my vision, while the pink sparkle tones of the star itself danced in my vision. I couldn't help but bring my hands up to clasp both sides of my face trying to contain the small excitement that turned my lips upward into the cheesiest grin possible. I loved this, and I loved the sentiment behind Harry trying to actually plan out which star to take me to, as if this was his plan all along. 

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