Special Chapter! Enter Toriko! pt 2

Start from the beginning

"It's cream," Yukiko inspected, "It's an entire river of whipped cream! This is good, we can jump off when the river winds around the forest."

"Got it!" the rest of the group said as they jumped out of the river of whipped cream and onto land.

"This is good, we can get to the Multi-Fruit Tree by cutting through the forest." Toriko was cut-off when Terry started growling.

"What's wrong?" Chopper asked only to jump in surprise as he saw figures standing behind the trees.. "What're those?!" He yelled hiding behind Yukiko.

"A Caste Leo." Toriko said as he looked at the lion that had cake for their mane. "Their capture level 4 with castella cake for their manes."

"It's hard to take them seriously when they're growling, but they have fluffy cakes surrounding their head." Sanji muttered

"It doesn't matter, we're going to where Nami is, so don't get in our way!" Luffy ran towards the lion making him roar sending the rubber man back from the frequency.

"Luffy!/Pach!" Yukiko, Pachi and Chopper caught the straw hat man as they were thrown against a tree.

"What was that?"

"It must be the Castella sponge cake, it emits sound like a giant speaker." Yukiko told them.

"Then how're we supposed to beat them!?" Sanji asked.

"Draw his attacks straight ahead, and I'll deal with them." Toriko said. Sanji nodded and ran towards the lions distracting them from Toriko running towards their side.

"SAN REN KUGI PUNCH!" The attack hit the lion dead on sending it rolling into a tree.

"That's amazing!" Chopper and Luffy shouted with stars in their eyes.

"This is not time to be impressed, Caste Leos travel in prides," Toriko scowled as he saw that there were five other Caste Leos surrounding them. "I don't have time for this."

"This is bad, we can't waste our fighting these guys." Sanji said.


"FRY GAESHI!" The five lions were hurled away from the group. The group looked up as they saw a multi-colored haired man float down to them.

"How do you think? Isn't this an exquisite way to appear?" The man said as he flipped his hair back in a dramatic manner.

"Sani! If you're here, then that means." Toriko said.

"POISON RIFLE!" A Caste Leo recoiled from attacking as a substance hit him in the face.

"ENDORPHIN SMOKE!" A gust of white smoke surrounded them making the growling of the Caste Leos disappear.

"It's quiet now," Chopper said

"Hey, Toriko." Coco said while Rin was standing beside him waving at Toriko

"Toriko! I'm so glad you're safe!" Rin squealed.

"~An angel fell from the sky!~" Sanji sang as hearts appeared in his eyes.

"Toriko! How could you leave me behind! You could have brought me along" Rin whined.

"By the way, Toriko," Coco looked at the pirates that were with them and back to Toriko. "Where's Komatsu?"

"He's been taken by the Cocoalas." Toriko said.

"They took one of our friends too!" Yukiko said as she had Sani notice her.

"Those eyes, that hair, the poise.....an epitome of beauty!" The man named Sani said as Luffy frowned.

But a growling interrupted them.

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