Sarah's P.O.V.

I opened my eyes and turned to the side, expecting to see Harry but he wasn't there, I get up and there is complete silence, that's weird considering there always one of the girls or both making noise.

I get up and go downstairs, there still is silence, "Hello Sarah" I hear the eerie voice, that I so longed that I would never hear, "Ms. Bridges? W-w-what are y-you d-d-doing h-here?" I asked stuttering, the sudden notice that fear was on me, was unbearable knowing this woman could beat me and holds my life in her hands.

She comes toward me in one motion, and before I know it I couldn't breathe, she held me by the neck," You had put in that prison, nobody cares about your worthless life, you're nothing to them except a check," she spit, like a bad taste, she squeezed harder till I saw spots, I tried to remove her hand anyway I could scratching, kicking, pulling, whatever I could do to save my life, but it didn't do any good.

She slammed my head against the wall, before I slid down to the floor, "You think Harry cares about you? He only wants you till he gets you then once he does, he throw you to the trash, just like all the other ones" she spit, as she walked away from me, leaving me to suffer.

I woke up in a sudden jerk, gasping for my life, "It was just a dream" I spoke to myself, as Harry stirred in his sleep, I got up and walked down to the heated patio, and set with a blanket. "God, really?! I just starting to think everything was going good, now this!" I say out loud, but it's not his fault, it's nobody's it was just the cards I was dealt with, and now they want a rematch.

I stayed out there and I couldn't sleep, there's been no way to. I knew that Ms. Bridges would come around even if it was in my nightmares, and she mentioned Harry, does he just want me to have sex with me? It doesn't seem odd, every time I say I don't want to sleep in the same bed he does, but then I know he wants to be near me, but I don't want anyone near me, not now, and possibly not ever! I just want my space and Harry doesn't understand that, I can't do this he doesn't love like he says he does if he doesn't listen to me, I thought we were in love maybe we're not, this is all too much.

How could I have possibly have not seen it? I mean Harry is being just overly sweet and he's loves me and I get that but at the same time, that nightmare has me wondering, would he up and leave me, if I was to have sex with him? Would he look at me as trash? That has to tell me something, maybe I'm not ready, and maybe we're both not ready for this relationship. Maybe me thinking these thoughts, has already confirmed, what I've been trying to deny.

I breathed out a sigh, as I look at the sun starting to rise, I've been up all night and morning and nothing still makes sense to me, it's a good thing it's Saturday, my thoughts are interrupted as Harry came through the door, "Hey Princess" he says smiling, as he sits next to me, I scoot away from him, "hey" I say, he frowns as he looks at me, "What's the matter babe?" "You wouldn't understand if I told you" I say, not looking at him, "C'mon Baby-""Would you stop with that baby and babe and Princess stuff?! That's not my name!" I yell, "Sarah, that's what I always call you, what's wrong?" Harry asked me, with a sad tone of voice, "This is becoming too much Harry! I'm not used to this, my name has always been Sarah, not anything but, and all this food that I've started to eat, I'm not used to eat either! You tell me how you could handle having nothing in one minute, and then have everything you want at the push of a button or a snap at your finger! Harry that's not who I am, and I don't know how much more I can take of this" I say, emptying out my feelings, I look at Harry as he had tears in his eyes, "I'm sorry Sarah, I didn't know and I didn't ask you either, I just jumped in not knowing I was asking you to jump in a sea of the unknown, but please can we try again I'll do what I have to do, but I love you and that's never gonna change."

"Harry, I love you too, but I need to know that all this isn't some fluke that you plan on just to get me in your bed, then throw me away like some yesterday's news" I say, as the nightmare enters my mind, I close my eyes trying to get the images out, but they won't leave.

"Where did you get that from? I would never do that to you, granted I did that to the other girls, and for that I'm sorry but I've cared about you more than them and I love you more than I ever could with any other, where's all this coming from Sarah?" Harry asked me, the look of plead in his voice, "I had a nightmare, the house was completely quiet which of course you know that's not normal, so I went downstairs, and I heard a voice, and it was Ms. Bridges in the corner, and she said hello and I asked her what she was doing here, and she grabbed me by the throat, she said that I had her in that prison, that I'm the one that sent her there, and she squeezed my throat hard to where she was going to kill me, and I started scratching, pulling, kicking anything and then she said 'do you think Harry cares about you? He's just gonna use you and get what he wants and once he does he'll throw you away like he did all the others' then she slammed my head into the wall and I slid down and she left me there to suffer. "

Harry looked shocked for a moment, but then a look of anger crossed his face, "Sarah, you know I wouldn't do that to you, not now not ever and I love you, know that this is true, yes it was only a few months ago that I bullied you and it looked as though I could never love someone, but Sarah believe me when I say you changed that for me, you made me see things in a different light, and for that I'm grateful, but I think you should talk to Ms. Burks about this."

Harry spoke, with determination, and faith, the most powerful things you could have in this case, I looked at his eyes, the emerald was shining bright, and I knew he was telling the truth, "Ok, but this is gonna take time, and I'm going to need some space, a lot of it, so maybe we just take things slow ya know?" I said, as a tear slipped from my eye, leaving Harry to catch it, "Of course, just tell me when you don't feel comfortable," he said, smiling, I smiled back, letting him give me a hug, "Thanks, for understanding, Harry it means a lot but also thank you for being the first man that loved me for me" I say, "Anything for you, but please don't let us go, not over this, not because I'm jealous of anybody but because I know you're a special girl, that someone only gets to love, in every blue moon, and I know someone would love to have you, your genuine, just like a diamond, you have carve her out of the bad rock to get the gem inside." Harry spoke, I felt the tears and I didn't care, he's willing to be patient with me, and being here but I still feel out of place.

"Thank you my Hazza" I said, smiling, up at him, he smiled the brightest smile, "No thank you my Princess" he said as he kissed the top of my head.

Harry's P.O.V.

After that morning, I'll admit things have been a little on the stressed side of things, Sarah has been keeping her distance, and I know I said I would give her that, but I want to hold her hand and be proud of her, but it's getting harder, it's about a week and a half and mum decided since it's almost Christmas break, that we should do something, so we went to the mall as we're now in SDC, a store for all curvy girls, my mum wanted to take her shopping for some more clothes, and Sarah of course denied politely but mum was not having it, so here we are, and Sarah hasn't tried on anything or picked out anything.

"Sarah, dear why don't you pick something out?" my mum said, Sarah shook her head no, so mum went through and remembered that Sarah had ripped jeans and mostly black and white things, so she went off of that, "Sarah how come you don't wear all the other clothes I bought for you?" mum asked Sarah, "because they're too nice to wear" she said, looking down at the floor, "Oh honey, it's ok to wear them, that's what they're for" mum said, as she patted her back, now I see what Sarah meant, this is all new for her, and to think that I didn't stop and think just once that this maybe harder for than she was letting on, was stupid of me!

It was then that I made up in my mind, that I'm going to prove and use all my blood, sweat, and tears, to show her that she deserves this, I've been using the big things to impress her, but now I'm starting to think it's the 'Little Things' that makes the biggest differences, especially for a girl that's had so little to be given to her.

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