


The morning light filtered through the curtains, casting a soft, golden glow into the room. As I stirred my eyes open from my sleep, I found my head heavy from all the crying I did while the events of the previous night rushed back to me in a flood of emotions.

Tears had stained my cheeks, and my eyes felt heavy and swollen from the wave of grief and heartache, mixed with the blushing of embarrassing things I did by clinging onto my boss and crying on his clothes.


I think I got my snot on his shirt too.

I lay there for a moment, the weight of the past still clinging to me like a heavy shroud. It was a new day, but the pain felt as fresh as ever.

"Oh! God!" I palmed my face with both my hands. I was sad and embarrassed for two entirely different reasons, and I couldn't decide what to focus on. I sniffled to clear my nose.

I have work today too...

With a heavy sigh, I pushed back the covers and sat up, rubbing my tired eyes when I got a heart attack

"Hi," The face of a person came into view out of nowhere.

"WOAH!!" I jumped back, hitting my head on the headboard, "OWW!!"

"Oh shit!" Rameen stood up and came to rub my head, "Are you okay??" She sat down next to me, on the edge of the bed.

"I think..." I rubbed the back of my head, "Wait," My head hurt in the front too and I reached my other hand to press my forehead, "Where did you come from? How did you get in?" I looked at her in disbelief.

What the hell!! How is she standing in my apartment? Like a stalker!!

Rameen noticed my headache and stood up to fetch me a glass of water. She ran to the tiny kitchen and got a glass of water, ran back to me, and handed me the glass which I took immediately because I needed water to get rid of my headache. I knew I got it because I cried a lot yesterday and was dehydrated but even as I drank the water I continued to glare at her, telling her that I wanted my answer.

She sat down on the wooden floor next to my single bed, "Um, here," She showed me a key.


It was my apartment key. I hastily put the glass aside and patted my pockets to search for my key but it was gone. My phone and my wallet were on the side table but not the key. My eyes grew wider as I stared at the high schooler because this meant the key she was holding really was mine.

"How?" I was baffled, "Why do you have it?" I didn't even know what to think at the moment.

"You gave it to Matthew yesterday when he brought you home and he forgot to return it, he accidentally brought it back home and told me to give it back to you since I insisted I wanted to go and see you. I found out you were crying a lot."

My eyes went wider at her words as she presented me with the key in the palms of her hands while she kneeled on the floor with a bow. It did make sense, I don't remember but I must have either handed Matthew the key. How else would we have gotten in?


I took the key from her hands gently as I felt shy, "Did Matthew tell you that?" I pursed my lips as the embarrassing memories from the night before came to haunt me again. I cried too much in front of him. NO! I cried like a baby as I clung to him! "That I cried?"

How hasn't he fired me yet? I've been so weird in front of him!!




My heart did a flip in anxiety.

Has he fired me? I grabbed my phone from my bedside and opened it up to see an email or text saying that I was fired and I scrolled frantically.

But I didn't find anything and let out a sigh of relief.

"No," She shook her head, "Peon did," She raised her head to look at me.


Oh wait, that's Bizy's son.

"Are you friends with Peon?" I picked the glass up and drank the rest of the water.

She rolled her eyes, "We hang out sometimes, but I don't like him. He's a little weird. I would like it if he stayed away from me but," She sighed and dropped the topic, so I didn't pursue it either.

I see. I should start getting ready for work now-I stared at my phone as I thought crossed my mind.

But wait...

Do I have to continue this job? Will I keep doing this for Nolan even though he's cheating on me?


I do owe him... I have to pay him back too... He paid for my surgery and my mom's surgery... I'm also going to college because of him...

My heart hurt, my chest felt queasy and I also felt a little sick

I was stuck.

Even if Nolan didn't want me, I owe a lot to him and I can't just back away even though my feelings are shattered. This just means I have to pick up the broken shards of my heart and continue... There's no other choice...

"You look troubled." Rameen half climbed the bed, "Is something wrong?' She looked concerned, "Do you need medicine?'

"I'm alright," I took a deep breath and looked at the younger female, "On that note, you should go home." I remembered Chris and her worn-out face, "Your mom's worried about you..."

Rameen's mood turned foul, "Why are you suddenly bringing that up?" She said as I got out of bed.

"Because I see your mom every day." I walked towards the closet, "Parents and kids fight a lot. I did too, but that doesn't mean our moms don't love us." I took out work-worthy clothes and looked back at her, "I don't know what happened between you two, but you can't just leave home."

I started walking towards the bathroom.

"But," She stood up to say something when my phone started ringing


It was the alarm that indicated that I had no time left to waste and I had only fifteen minutes left to get to the office.

"Oh! Shit!" The office was thirty minutes away, "I can't talk right now Rameen, I'll talk to you later." I ran into the bathroom and sped through everything. Washed my face, brushed my teeth, changed my clothes, and came out five minutes later in a hurry.

Rameen was still standing there while I ran to grab my shoes.

"Say," She said softly, "You're free on the weekend right?"

"Yes," I replied in a hurry as I tied my shoelaces.

"I have something I want to ask you." Her voice seemed dim.

"Me?" I looked up at her as she began to walk away.

"I can't ask my mom, and I need to talk to someone about it." She seemed down. Misery and disappointment were evident on her face and seeing that made me feel bad that I couldn't give her the time she needed.

Is this about why she ran away?

"Okay," I stood up straight and joined her as she reached the main door, "But talk to your mother. She's worried." We left the apartment together.

She looked away, "I'll meet you over the weekend then."

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