Special Chapter! Enter Toriko! pt 1

Start from the beginning

"Really! I guess there's no point, if you taste bad." The blue-haired pondered and then looked back at the creature. "YOU TALKED?! How is that possible!"

"Hey! Chopper is part of my crew! You can't eat him!" Luffy screamed at Toriko.


"What's that?" Nami said as large creatures started to step out of the woods. Her eyes widened as she saw gigantic large boars with steam coming out of their backs that were currently glowing as if it were charcoal.

"Something smells tasty. What is it?" Luffy started to drool

"We must have invaded their territory." Toriko set Chopper on the ground. "The Barbecue Pigs."

"WOW! Walking grilled meat!" Luffy screamed with stars with in his eyes

"These guys get fired up, whenever somebody gets into their territory. These guys look pretty steamed." Toriko said

"What?! Their bodies are already steaming!" Nami said.

"They usually feed on herbs and ghost truffles, so their meat is delicious. Their Capture Level is one." Komatsu said.

"Capture Level 1?" Yukiko asked.

"It's the system the IGO created to categorize the difficulty to capture an ingredient. The first level means that it takes ten professional hunters to capture it. Toriko-san can handle a level one beast easy, but I don't know if he can handle this many at once." Komatsu explained and Yukiko looked over at Toriko and Luffy who were drooling at the site of the pigs.

" I guess they'll be fine."

"Barbecue Pigs," the blonde man said and then cracked his knuckles, "Food cooking itself. That's an insult to a chef."

"That's what you're angry about?!" Nami exclaimed.

"Itadakimasu," Toriko clapped his hands together and then charged at the pigs with Luffy following right after him. Yukiko nodded at Pachi who tackled the pigs with Iron Tail. Yukiko then winced as a bitter smell met her nose.

"They're burning." She said as everyone started to smell the burning odor.

"Don't aggravate them! The more you do, the more their meat burns. You got to make sure to end it quickly" Toriko warned them as he punched a pig head on, knocking it out.

"I got just the one to help. Blaise!" Yukiko said taking her Charizard out.

"Knock out these pigs with Solar Beam!"

Blaise nodded and due to the bright sun, he charged up quickly.

Yukiko also used Crystal attacks to help her Pokémon.

While Komatsu was explaining to Chopper, Nami and Sanji about Toriko, the man in question knocked out another pig, he then saw Luffy's arm retract back to normal size and Yukiko shooting a crystal blast. "Hey, I've been wondering. Why is your body so stretchy? And how can she do those beams and command those creatures."

"I ate the Gum Gum Fruit. It made me a rubber human. And Yukiko's my girlfriend. She's a Pokémon Trainer and she ate the Crystal Crystal Fruit,  she's a crystal human." Luffy explained as he stretched his arm to punch another pig.

"Gum Gum Fruit? Crystal Crystal Fruit? Was it tasty?" Toriko punched a pig.

"No, it those were Devil fruits. They're really disgusting." Luffy punched a pig.

"Huh, they're that bad?" Toriko stopped a pig that was heading towards him.

"Yeah." Luffy also stopped a pig that heading towards him.

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