Chapter 20

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" I haven't seen you in a while , Camden. I thought I'd pay you a visit .", he says with a smirk.

" What do you want ?", I spit venomously.

"I thought I'd come and teach you a little lesson. Maybe it will help me get my money faster. Luke will hate seeing the the thing he loves get hurt.", he says coldly.

Why did I come here? It doesn't matter though he would have gotten me either way. I'm so scared. Hank and the other guys come closer. All of a of a sudden I feel a fist connect with my face. I'm hit all over my body. My head is shoved against a wall. I slowly fade out of consciousness . My eyes close and I barely feel every hit any more.

I wake up in an unfamiliar room. I see my mom and dad.

"Mom , Dad, where am I ?", I ask groggily.

"You're in the hospital.", my mom says with tears in her eyes , " I'm so glad your awake now though."

"What happened ? How long have I been asleep ?", I ask.

"You've been asleep for three days and Luke found you behind your school and said something about three guys beating you up. I think he said their names were Hank , Eric , and Cody. ", my mom says.

" Three days! ", I exclaim. "Hank." , I mutter. I suddenly remember everything . " Is Luke here?", I ask.

"Yes. Your mom and me were the only ones allowed back here until you woke up. I'll send everyone else in and go get the doctor .",my dad says.

My mom and him exit the room and Luke, Candice, Ashley , Thomas , Colleen , and my little brother David come into the room . I look down and see that my arms and legs are covered in bruises and red marks. I know my stomach looks the same.

"You look awful.", Ashley says.

"Thanks. I really appreciate it.", I says sarcastically.

"Sorry.", she says.

"It's fine.", I say.

I grab my phone and look at my head using the camera app. There's a nasty gash on my forehead that's been stitched up.

"We'll see you later.", Candice says as everyone but Luke leaves.

"I guess breaking up with you didn't keep you from getting hurt.", Luke says.

" I don't know what hurt worse , being beat up or you breaking up with me .", I say.

"I'm sorry about that .", he says as a look of regret flashes across his face. "Do you maybe want to be my girlfriend again ? ", he asks.

"Mmm... I don't know.", I say teasingly while pretending to stroke my fake beard. " Yes , The Amazing , Wonderful Camden , will be your girlfriend ." , I say with a grin.

A nurse comes into the room and says , " Visiting hours are over . You have to leave."

Luke nods and gives me a quick kiss on the cheek before heading out the door. I'm exhausted and and it doesn't take long for me to fall asleep.

"It feels so good to be home !", I exclaim as I walk through the front door of my house. I had been in the hospital for five days after I'd woken up.

"Shhhh. Your brother's taking a nap." my mom says. " I did miss you though." She walks over and gives me a big hug .

"I missed you too.", I said.

I head upstairs and finish the work that I missed. My teachers sent my work to the hospital so I wouldn't I have to do so much once I got back to school. I remember a question I meant to ask my parents and head downstairs. I see them both in the kitchen.

"I need to ask y'all something.", I say.

"What is it?", my dad asks.

"What's going to happen to Hank and the other two guys?", I ask.

"We don't really know. The police can't find any of them and Luke is the only one who say them hit you.", my mom says.

"Oh.", I mutter.

" Is there something that you're not telling us about these guys." , my dad asks.

"No.", I say .

I practically run up the stairs after that. I close the door to my room and turn on the tv. I want to tell my parents what all I know , but it's not my place to tell them .

I shut my locker and see Candice , Colleen , and Ashley right beside it. "How could you not tell us?", Candice asks.

"What are you talking about.", I ask.

" Don't play dumb." ,Colleen says.

"I'm not.", I say.

" You didn't tell us you were dating Luke again ." , Ashley says sounding irritated.

"Sorry. I haven't really thought about it to be honest .", I say.

" Yea, you forgot you were dating the hottest guy in the school.", she says sarcastically . She storms away.

"What's her problem?", I ask.

They both shrug their shoulders. "She's been like that ever since she found out about you and Luke .",
Candice says. The bell rings and Ashley and I head to our class.

"Do you know what's wrong with Colleen ?", I ask Thomas.

"Not a clue.", he says.

It's hard to focus on Calculus when all I'm thinking about is what's wrong with Colleen.

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