Chapter 11

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Luke and I decided to go to the movies. We bought popcorn and sodas. I look at Luke. He yawns and puts his arm around my shoulders. I look at him again. "No" I say. " Huh" he says. " Too cheesy." I say. "How about this?" He asks. " You have something on your shoulder."
I look down at my shoulder. He puts his arm around my shoulder. "It's my hand." , he says. "That was pretty good." , I say. We both smile. " Hey , Luke. " I look at the girl who said that. It's Valerie. Ugh. I hate her so much. "Mind if I sit with you guys?" Before either of us could answer she took a seat next to Luke. "So what movie are we watching?" "DUFF.", Luke and I say at the same time. " Oh, I heard about that movie." she says. People turned around and told her to be quiet or shhhh. She just glared at them. She grabbed Luke's drink and without asking took a sip. We both stared at her, but she didn't seem to mind. We got to the part where the girl found out she was the Duff. " You know, Luke, Camden is kind of a DUFF." I can't believe what I just heard. " Camden is not a DUFF." Luke growled at her. " Why would you choose her over me? I mean I'm so much prettier than she is." " No. In my opinion Camden is the prettiest girl in the world. I will never like you. Just leave." He says to her in a cold voice. She stands up from her chair. " You'll wish you had me." Then she stomped out of the theatre. "Wow." ,I said. "Woah.", he said.
Me and Luke are standing on my doorstep. Luke walked me to the door. After we say goodbye, he turns to leave. Then he turns around and walks back up to me. Then he kisses me. I'm shocked at first. But, then I kiss him back. He finally pulls away. Without another word he walks to his car, gets in, and drives off. I stand there shocked. At first I'm too shocked to move. Then I walk inside the house and head to my room. I lay on my bed and think about what all happened today. I guess I'm tired because I yawn and slowly start to close my eyes.
I wake up at about 10:00 the next day. It's Wednesday. It's also the day before Thanksgiving break. I love Thanksgiving. I always go to my grandparents and eat. I have turkey, of course. I also have mac& cheese, cranberry sauce, butter beans, string beans, cream corn, deviled eggs, dressing, and cornbread. My stomach growls just thinking about the food. I go downstairs. The first thing I see is David and Jackson. David is sitting at the counter. Jackson is raiding our pantry. Probably looking for pop-tarts. Every time he comes over he has pop-tarts. I decide I'm going to have french toast sticks for breakfast. I put them in the microwave and grab the syrup. In about 3 min. the microwave goes off. I take them out of the microwave. I make hot chocolate to drink. Once it's ready I go sit down at the counter. I pour syrup on my plate and dig in. This is so good. I love food.

Authors note~
I've almost got 900 views. Wow! If you don't remember Valerie she's in a chapter I posted earlier. Please vote and comment.

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