Chapter 12

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"How could you not tell me?"
"I didn't think it was a big deal."
"It's bigger than a big deal."
"Your being dramatic."
"Am not."
"Are too."
"Am not."
"Are too."
"Am not."
If your wondering what's going on let me tell you. Me and Luke are arguing. He wants to know why I didn't tell him about what Jordan said. I thought it would cause problems. A guy on the the football team with Luke was at the bowling alley and heard me and Jordan talking. He told Luke. I really wish he wouldn't have. "Look, can not talk about this right now I don't want to fight.", I say. "Fine.", he mutters. " Now, I have to study for my science test that's tomorrow.", I say. Before adding " And you should be studying for your your math test."
"Yes, Mother.", he says sarcastically. " Now, get studying son." We both start laughing like hyenas. "Ms. Blake, Mr. Taylor you two need to calm down.", Mrs. Willis says. Mrs. Willis is the teacher that supervises study hall. She's about 40. She's nice, but makes everyone whisper all the time. "Yes,mam.", we tell her. I start to study my science notes. Luke passed me a note.
Do you want to go somewhere after school?
Maybe. Where too?
Then I passed the note back.
He wrote something and gave the note back.
I don't know yet. Where do you want to go?
I don't know either. Think about it and tell me at the end of study hall.
I passed back the note.
He looked at me and nodded.
I really don't know why I trusted Luke with this. I'm blindfolded and he's leading me to somewhere. So far he's let me run into a pole and almost trip over as rock. " Are we there yet?", I ask. "No." , he says. "Now.", I ask. "No."he says. " How about now?", I ask. "Yes", he says. "Really?", I ask. " No.", He says. We walk about 5 more minutes. "We're here."
, he says. He takes the blindfold off of me. What I see is amazing. I look at the art wall. It is beautiful. "I made this part.", he told me. Were in an alley looking at an abandoned building. The building has beautiful art that people have drawn on it. "It's beautiful.", I tell him. We stay at the art wall for hours.
After we left the art wall we decided to get something to eat. "So, what do you want to eat?", He asks. "Ummm, how about Chick-Fil-A.", I say. "Okay.", He says. As soon as we see Chick-Fil-A and pull in. "Do you want to go in and eat?", He asks. "Sure.", I say. So, we head inside. We go to the counter and order. " I'd like an eight piece meal with a sweet tea.", I say. " I want the chicken sandwich meal with a coke.", Luke says. She hands us the receipt and we step to the side. Order 63 someone says."That's us.", Luke and I say in unison. We get our food and sit at a table. "Hey you guys." , a girl says. Please don't let it be her Please don't let it be her. I look up from my food and it's her, Valerie.

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