Chapter 7

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I hear the door open. It's my mom. She starts yelling at me and asking me why I skipped school. She stops when she sees my red eyes and tea stained face. She asks "What happened?" I tell her. She strokes my hair and let's me cry in her lap. After awhile she gets up and tells me she has to get dinner ready. Once she leaves I go to sleep.
Today has been awful. Everyone keeps looking at me with pity. I hate it. Luke is at school, but we haven't talked.
I'm packing my bag to leave math and I see Luke standing behind me. "Hey" , he says. " What do you want?" I ask. "Why weren't you at school yesterday?" I laugh bitterly, " I thought you liked me, but you didn't. I didn't say yes because I didn't want to be heartbroken again. I like you Luke, but it's obvious you don't like me. I came back yesterday to answer your question. The answer was yes. Then I saw you kissing Valerie. So do me a favor and just leave me alone." A look of shock and hurt passes over his face, but I don't care. I start to head out the door when I feel someone grab my wrist and pull me back. I turn around and tell Luke to let go of my wrist. " If I let go do you promise not to run away and let me explain?" he asks. I nod my head knowing how stubborn he is. " I kissed her because I was hurt. Camden your the only person I like. If you would just give me a chance I promise I won't hurt you. " I look at Luke. We've been best friends for three years. I trust him. "Okay." I say.
It's finally time to leave school. I walk out of school and see Luke he has a big cardboard sign. He turns around and sees me. "Read the sign." he says. The sign says, "Camden will you be my girlfriend,
I get a marker and put a check beside All OF THE ABOVE. I tell Luke to look at the sign. As soon as he sees what I put his eyes light up and smiles. "I'll text you." he says. I nod and smile. I can't wait to tell Candice.
I told Candice everything when we were walking home. "I told you! ", she practically screamed. " I'm so happy for you." she says. I'm so happy. I love this feeling. I hope Luke texts me soon.
Luke: Hey, girlfriend.
Me: Hey, boyfriend.
Luke: You have no clue how long I've wanted to call you that.
Me: I feel special.
Luke: You are special.
Me: Awwwww. Your so sweet.
Luke: I am, aren't I.
Me: You are.
Luke: ;)
Me: ;)
We talked for almost three hours. He's so easy to talk to. This was a great day.

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