
I thought about it. I really wasn't expecting him to apologize. I was scared things might get complicated and that I might get in trouble but the opposite happened.

"Alright..." For now, he is my temporary boss. I shouldn't pursue it and get on his nerves. Besides, I have to keep an eye on him anyway, so it's better if we resolve the issue that happened yesterday. Thankfully he didn't find anything out or else he would have mentioned it.

"That was all," He nodded, "You can leave,"

"Okay," I didn't waste any time and left the office. As I came back to my seat, all eyes were on me and I knew they were itching to ask me what happened in there but I didn't know what to tell them so I just straightened up and opened the company laptop just to stare at the screen since I didn't know shit.

"Hey," Imani, a little chubby, black woman, called out to me, "Clio,"

I rotated my seat around, "Yes?"

"What did the boss say?"


I saw how everyone's ears perked up, "Um," What do I say? I should twist my words a little to get them to not hate me yet calm them down right? "Yesterday," I fried my brain to think of an excuse, "When I was on the terrace," Thoughts raced through my brain like a bullet train, "The boss scared me a little."

"Scared you?" Lizzo raised his brows at me.

"Well, he came out of nowhere, I had no idea his office was there and I almost fell off the terrace."

"Oh~" The whole office let out a simultaneous acknowledgement.

"He just wanted to apologize for that."

"Oh~" The whole office let out a simultaneous acknowledgement again.

AHA! I got it! OH! Thank God! Good work Brain!

"The boss is nice, isn't he?" Imani said, "He looks scary but he isn't a bad person."

The workers all nodded and I thought about it. I wasn't as scared of him today.


Was it because he apologized? Or because I went in with a different thinking?

"As long as you don't get on his nerves." Jacob added, "He's great." I raised my eyebrows at him.

"What happens when you get on his nerves?" It was an innocent question but they all went silent making it seem suspicious.

"We don't go there," Chris said and I looked at her, "Come on," She didn't let me question anything else, "Get to work now."

"But," I was curious now and I had to know more about him.

"Come on!" Bizy got up from his chair, "Everyone back to work!" He clapped his hands, "There's been enough chitter chatter." Everyone started working, leaving me hanging and I felt like there was something being hidden from me on purpose.

"Clio," Bizy called my name, "Come here," He ordered, "I'll show you what to do."

I stood up from the seat, "Okay..." That was weird...

The day passed by as I got absorbed in learning how to use the software and frying my brain trying to solve the errors. Just like that it was six and everyone got up to leave. I found myself taking a breath of relief when I noticed the office workers were excited about something.

I felt a lingering sense of unease. I couldn't help but notice the curious glances and hushed whispers that seemed to follow me even when I was leaving. I suspected something but didn't know for sure.

Unexpectedly, my coworkers started gathering around me, wearing smiles and expressions that I couldn't quite decipher. Confusion clouded my thoughts as they all started following me.

My heart began to race and I even wondered if I was just being delusional because I tried to work properly today. So, I glanced back to confirm my suspicion


Yep, all of them were following me!!!

It started to make me feel uneasy. I'm sure that the whole office doesn't live in the same direction as me, so, what is happening? Why are they all being so weird? They acted weird when I asked a question about Matthew in the morning too.

Then, they all got close to me, scaring me even more, but when Lizzo and Jacon approached me right when I was reaching a shady alleyway, I felt something strange. Like a sense of doom. But it was when they suddenly grabbed me, wrapping their arms around mine and pulling me away by lifting me off the ground, was when I got seriously startled.

"Hey!" I let out a yell, "Wh-!?" Jacob put his hand on my mouth drowning my voice and then they dragged me into the shady-looking street.

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