taehun - sneaking out

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3:37 a.m

you sighed after looking at the time of the clock. you regretted that you didn't had dinner with taehun a few hours ago, now your stomach was growling because of hunger.

you were hesitating if you should sneak out for some food in the fridge. you carefully turned around, seeing taehun who's still sleeping soundly next to you. you slowly got out from bed and placed a stuffed bear next to him.

you then walked out from your bedroom as quiet as you could. after closing the door, you went straight to the fridge to find if there's anything you could eat.

"hey toasty," you whispered, looking at your cat who's currently walking towards you. you carried her up and gave her some kisses. "let's go and see if there's anything to eat in the fridge, your mum is hungry," you added, caressing her fur.

after went through the fridge, you only found a tube of vanilla ice cream, you took it out and placed it in the table.

"that's it huh?" you mumbled, looking at the lonely ice cream that you only had. you scanned around the kitchen, trying to find if there's anything else to eat.

your eyes instantly lightened up when you saw a container of cookies that taehun bought a few days ago. "now, i can make ice cream sandwiche with it," you smiled in satisfaction, placing down toasty on a chair.

after successfully making your ice cream sandwich in silence, you took a seat next to toasty. "it's not that presentable but who cares, right toasty?" you took her to your lap.

"what are you doing?"

you flinched when you heard someone talked, even toasty ran away from your lap.

you slowly turned around, revealing taehun in his pajamas with toasty in his arms.

"hehe, hi baby," you said, smiling sheepishly at him, "i made ice cream sandwich for myself," you added, proudly showing your ice cream sandwich that you made earlier.

he sighed and walked towards you, "you should have eaten dinner with me, y/n," he patted your head, "do you want me to cook instant noodles for you?" he added. "yes please," you replied, smiling at him.

"put your ice cream sandwich in the freezer first, you can eat it later," he said before opening the cabinet to get a pot.

"how did you know that i sneaked out from the bedroom?" you asked after putting your ice cream sandwich in the freezer.

"i wanted to cuddle you but when i turned around, all i saw was the stuffed bear," he answered, switching on the stove. "oops, sorry about that," you replied, giving him an awkward smile.

you took a seat on the kitchen island, watching him preparing your instant noodles. "you don't have to add other ingredients, i'm fine with only the noodles," you said, looking at him who's cutting up some cabbage.

"nah, i'm trying to make it healthier for you, eating just instant noodles in this hour is not healthy," he replied, washing up the chopping board after cutting up the cabbage.

that's what my mum said to me

"you sounds like my mum," you said while swinging your leg. he walked towards you and looked at you, "cuz your parents told me to take care of their princess," he said, leaning closer to you by putting both of his hands next to your thighs.

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