hwi - new to me

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1187 words

jun - hwi's younger brother
(just pretend he have a younger brother)


"hwi, you're going to pick up jun from the kindergarten right?" hwi's mum asked while busy preparing their dinner.

"yes mum, i'll get going now!" he responded while going down the stairs.

she came out from the kitchen and said, "is y/n working today?" she asked. "yeah, she's actually working with jun's teacher," he smiled, thinking about you.

my son sure have a soft spot for his girlfriend

"so when are you going to let us meet her properly?" she asked, looking at his son.

well, you actually met hwi's mum a few times when she came and picked jun up but you only got to greet her only since you're busy taking care of the childrens in the kindergarten.

plus, you both were each other's first relationship. since everything it's new to you two, you guys were still taking small steps to make this relationship work.

"i'm not sure about that, mum," he answered, wearing his shoes.

"well, ask her if she wants to join our dinner tonight, your dad really wants to meet her, son," she pleaded.

"fine, i'll ask her about it, i can't promise she'll come over though," he replied. "i'll get going now," he added, opening the door ready to pick jun up.


i don't know if she's going to agree on mum's offer

he asked himself while walking his way to the kindergarten. he looked up and noticed that the place is nearly empty. he looked at the time and realized something.

damn it, jun mentioned that the class will end 30 minutes earlier than usual today

he walked further, finding y/n and jun were playing around the playground in front of the kindergarten.

well there they are

jun turned around and shouted, "hyung, over here!" when he saw his brother standing. he ran towards hwi and hugged him, more like hugging his legs since he's too tall for him.

"hey buddy, how's your day?" he asked. jun started to tell everything that happened today to him but he didn't listen at all since he's busy staring at you, who's walking towards them.

"hyung, are you even listening?" he looked so done at his brother, catching him staring at his girlfriend again.

he's staring at y/n noona again, he didn't even listen to me last time

"hyungggg," he whined while shaking his brother's shoulder. "o-oh you had banana cake for dessert, that's nice!" he exclaimed, looking at him.

"i said i had ice cream for dessert and you do know that i don't like bananas right?" he scoffed, looking at his beloved brother.

"sorry, buddy," he apologized to him, pinching jun's cheek.

"noona, look at your boyfriend, he doesn't listens to me at all," he dragged you to hwi's side.

"enough, you two, you guys should be going home now," you nagged them.

"oh about that, my mum actually wanted to invite you to our dinner tonight, is it okay for you?" he questioned.

"sure, i like to meet your parents too," you smiled at him.

"okay then, let's go!" he held jun's hand while jun's other hand holding yours, making jun is walking in the middle of you both.

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