junhyeok - busking

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"good morning guys, sorry i'm late," you greeted your colleagues, walking in the cafe.

"if it's a good morning, i'll be sleeping on my bed already, y/n," jihoon shouted while sweeping the floor.

better not mess with him today

"good morning y/n," jooyeon greeted, cleaning up the counter.

"y'all better hurry up, it's nearly the opening time already," suhyun said while taking out the pastries out.

you quickly changed into your uniform and helped out the others. you went to help suhyun to organize the pastries.

"so, how did the date went with junhyeok?" she asked while arranging the cakes. "it's not a date okay? we just went on a walk, that's it," you answered. "but you secretly wish it was a date right? don't tell me you don't like him at all, i know you for years, y/n," she said, nudging your shoulder.

here's a little back story between you and junhyeok. you both started to know each other ever since he started to become your regular costumer. you're the one who always got to serve him so you both got close and sometimes hang out after your work.

it'll be a lie if you said that you don't like him at all. you both knew each other for nearly half a year now, the amount of hanging out together made you like him even more.

now back to the story

her words made you stopped moving and looked at her. "i knew it, it's so obvious that you like him, everyone in the cafe knew it already," she smirked.

am i that obvious?

"fine, i admit it, i like him," you said, feeling defeated by her. "i'm pretty sure that he feels the same way too," she smiled, looking confident.

"how are you that sure huh?" you asked. "come on, the way he looked at you every time you're preparing his order or when you're talking to him, i can sure that he likes you a lot, even the others agreed with me," she stated, crossing her arms.

"okay, you two, we're opening now, get to the counter now," jihoon said, flipping the sign.


you all finally got some time to rest after busy getting the orders. there's not much of customer in the cafe so you all gathered around at the counter to talk a little.

"i wanna go home and sleep already," jihoon said, drinking his coffee. everyone sighed and muttered "me too."

the door bell rang, meaning that someone came in. you all turned to look and saw that junhyeok was coming in.

when you're about to turn around and ask the others to take his order, you saw them already "busy" doing their things.

jihoon was counting the amount of chocolate chips of a cookie.

jooyeon was drinking jihoon's coffee with a spoon.

suhyun was calling someone on her phone, when she's actually opening the calculator app.

you gotta be kidding me right now

you sighed and just went to take junhyeok's order.

"hi y/n," he greeted then looked behind you, seeing the others acting weird.

"hey junhyeok, don't mind them, they're just tired after a hectic day," you awkwardly smiled at him. "so, ready to order?" you added. "just the usual please, thanks," he said.

i need u | tnx imaginesKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat