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I hurried out of the room, closing the door behind me, to go take a shower. Colby wasn't the only one close to not caring who heard what might happen in that room, if I didn't leave immediately. 

It was like, every time I wasn't consumed with anxiety about the situation I was dealing with, he was on my mind. His body, the way his fingers felt trailing over my skin, the way he looked hovering over me. God, I was gonna need to get a grip on this insatiable craving I suddenly had for him. 

I knew it was because we had finally gotten to this point, after so many wasted years, and probably because I hadn't had sex in AGES, but I still had responsibilities. I still had things to do. I couldn't just be lusting after Colby Brock every second of every day. Now, to just get my body to realize that. 

I rushed through my shower, making sure to do the full 'girl shower,' just in case we ever had a minute alone. When I was finished, I dried off, tied my hair up in my towel wrap, and slid my robe back on. It was stupid, but I felt nervous as fuck, knowing that I was going to be walking back into my room, practically naked, with Colby waiting on me. 

It didn't matter that he had already seen me naked. I was still self conscious as hell about it. 

I sighed and grabbed my toiletry bag, before heading back to my room. I opened the door and found Colby looking at one of my old high school yearbooks. He looked up, caught my eye, then let his gaze travel slowly back down over my body, before he looked up at me again. 

I thought my legs would give out on me right then and there. Was I still standing? 

I cleared my throat and tore my gaze from his. I walked straight to my dresser to get my underwear and bra, then to my closet to pick out my clothes. When I felt his hands on my hips, yanking me back against him, I almost jumped out of my skin. 

"Colby!" I gasped, as I fell back against his hard chest. "Do you know how hot you are?" he asked, pressing his soft lips to my neck. I let my head fall back and dropped the hanger that was in my hand. "You're driving me crazy," he murmured. His low voice, combined with his lips, and the feel of the stubble on his chin scraping against my skin, was driving ME crazy. 

"I have to get dressed," I whined, when he pressed his body against mine. "Mmhmm," he hummed, taking his sweet time as he worked his way back up my neck. When I felt his teeth nip at the sensitive skin there, I jerked and pulled away from him. 

"No, sir," I said, turning to face him, as I wagged my finger. "I have to get dressed. I have to go to the police station. I can't have you getting me all worked up, before I go face these people." The asshole just chuckled, licked his bottom lip, then bit it, making my stomach do so many flips. 

"You're incorrigible," I huffed out, glaring at him. He shrugged. "I just can't seem to help myself, when it comes to you. I waited a long time to have you. Now that I have, I just want you again...and again, and again, and again, until we neither of us can breathe and there's sweat dripping off of our naked bodies."

I opened my mouth to say something, anything to shut him up, before I spontaneously combusted, but the only thing that uttered out was a stupid squeak. One of those damn smirked curved his lips, as he held my gaze. "Fucking asshole," I muttered, when I finally found my breath. 

"But you love me," he chuckled. "I can't stand you," I snapped, turning back towards my closet. When I heard his low laughter, I smiled to myself and and started sifting through the many shirts hanging in front of me. "You dropped one," his deep voice murmured, right next to my ear, surprising me again. 

"Shit!" I exclaimed, jerking back. "Stop doing that!" I snatched the shirt that I had dropped earlier from his hands and stuffed it back in the closet. "I'm never going to make it out of this bedroom, much less this house, if you don't stop fucking with me!" "I can't help it!" he exclaimed, throwing his hands up. "It's so much fun."

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