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She smiled at me, so I returned it. "Okay. I don't like it, but okay," I replied. "Love you too." "You better," she replied, as she went into the bathroom and shut the door.

"Seriously, Callie, I'm so sorry if I said something to upset you, or offend you. I didn't mean too," Kat pleaded. "I meant what I said. You really do look gorgeous and I really do want you to keep the dress. Not because you THINK you stretched it out, but because you look so amazing in it."

Great. Now I had made this sweet girl, who had only been trying to help me, think that she had done something wrong. Ugh, I really hated myself sometimes. "No, Katrina, you've been nothing but helpful," I insisted, smiling at her. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to make you feel like you said something wrong. I tend to get inside my own head sometimes."

I didn't want to explain why I was the way I was, because there was just too much bullshit and I was so tired of being looked at like I was a victim of something, when nothing had really happened to me.

"I don't usually wear things like this, and I know for a fact, that we are NOT the same size, so it was just really bothering me. Thinking that I might've messed up your beautiful dress," I finished. "You haven't messed it up at all!" Kat exclaimed, looking relieved. "It's your dress now, in any case. It looks better on you than it ever did on me."

I smiled and started to thank her, but Denise came out of the bathroom then, stealing the show. "Oh, D, you look so beautiful," I gasped. "Ugh, I know, right?" she joked, rolling her eyes.

She was absolutely stunning! Her tan skin went well with the deep red dress. It was shimmery, catching the light, like there were little diamonds imbedded in the thin material.

It was more like the black dress that Katrina had let me try on, down to the ruched ties at the bottom of it. I knew it was one of those that she could've made longer, if she wanted too. She had it longer than mid-thigh, by maybe an inch. The sleeves were thin gold chains across her shoulders, leaving them bare, until her elbows. They then opened into a sheer material that draped over her forearms.

On her feet were a pair of gold heels that I had never seen before. They had to be at least 4 inches, making her short legs seem long and elegant.

"I still need some help with my hair," Denise said, looking over to Katrina. "Oh, I can help," I replied. "I don't really know much, but I can-" "No, that's okay," she said, cutting me off. "Kat can help me. You still need to figure out your makeup and hair, too. It will only take a minute."

Why didn't she want my help? I was supposed to be her best friend. Okay, granted, I wasn't great and doing the whole hair and makeup thing, and Katrina was probably a million times better than me...but still.

"Oh...um, okay," I replied, glumly. I felt a little dejected, even though it was obvious why she would want Kat's help over mine. "Katrina?" Denise asked. "Yeah, sure, I can help you out," Kat replied, walking over to the bathroom door.

When I heard the click of the door closing, that's when I realized that Colby and I had been left alone. The tension in the room grew thick in silence. I was automatically nervous, so I started fidgeting with my rings.

I felt him move closer, but I didn't look up until he called my name. "Cal," he said, lowly. I raised my eyes to meet his gaze in the mirror. "You look beautiful," he whispered. "Like a sexy princess."

I watched, as one side of his full lips turned up, giving me a heart clenching smirk. For some reason, I believed him when he told me that. I felt it. It was like his words were magic. Which embarrassed me, so I rolled my eyes and tried to hide my smile. "Thank you," I replied, softly.

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