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"Callie, come sit over here with us," Katrina said, grabbing my attention and reminding me that there were other people here, besides Colby. I blushed again and climbed off the bed, to go sit with her and Denise. 

Denise rolled over onto her stomach, leaving a spot for me between her and Katrina. "So, the mixer doesn't start until about 8, I think. Kat said that you guys talked about going to their place," she said, looking at me with a glint in her chocolate brown eyes. "Oh, um, yeah. I mean, if that's okay with you. It was just a thought. A suggestion, since I knew you didn't really feel like doing a lot today, and neither do I. Being on a plane will exhaust you, somehow. Or maybe that's just me. I mean, if you don't want-

"Callie. You're rambling," she said, cutting me off and giggling. I smiled and took a deep breath. "Oops," I murmured, as I stole a glance at the guys. They were both lying back on the bed now, having already placed the orders, laughing about something. 

Sam's chuckle was short, but full of light. The kind that would make anyone else join in on the laughter. Colby's was deep, rumbling out from his chest, with something that he found extra funny. I smiled, watching them. As close as I was to Denise, I wasn't sure that we had what they had. What Sam and Colby shared was special. Different. Deeper than most friends, somehow. 

"Earth to Callie," Katrina sang out, as Denise snapped her fingers in front of my face. "Stop it!" I exclaimed, pushing her hand away. "I hear you." I was lying. I didn't have a clue what they had been talking about.

"Yeah, sure you do," Denise laughed. "I feel like it's going to be impossible to hold your attention during this trip. Your ADD is showing." My face got hot again, but I shook my head. "I don't have ADD. Or, I'm not diagnosed with it. It was just a thought because my therapist said that people can get it after experiencing trauma and that she saw some signs of it in me. That doesn't mean-

"You're rambling again," Denise laughed. "Oh, fuck off," I grumbled. Katrina's bubbly laugh joined hers. "Does she do this often?" she asked, sending me a teasing grin. "Not usually," Denise replied. "Must be something in here distracting her." 

"I wonder what it could be," Katrina teased. Seriously? Now I was being teased by a girl that I didn't even know?! A girl that my supposed best friend had paired up with to torture me. "You're both annoyed," I said, rolling my eyes. I couldn't stop the small grin that shaped my lips, though. 

"There's that smile. I knew you could do it," Denise retorted. I pushed her shoulder and laughed. "Shut up!" "Mmhmm, anyway," she replied. "I was saying that we could eat and then head to their place, if you want. That way, we'll have a couple of hours, before we have to be back for the mixer. We can even get ready over there, if you want to take your stuff."

I nodded, but my mind was on one thing now. "D...you said mixer. So, that means a dance, right?" I waited for her to nod in confusion. "I didn't pack any dance type clothes. I don't know if I even own any dance type clothes. Maybe you should go to this without me."

"No! Come on, Cal! I don't know anyone else here! I need you there with me. I told you there might be some events that were a little more dressy. Why didn't you pack for them?" she exclaimed, sounding exasperated. 

"I packed a pair of black slacks and a black blouse, D! How the fuck was I supposed to know that they would throw a stupid dance? Who even does that? It's a restaurant, for fuck's sake," I retorted. I was getting annoyed with how dumb I was for not thinking this trip through. Why didn't I think of something a little more dressy?

"Well, they do, apparently. Whatever, you can just wear anything. We probably won't stay long anyway," she sighed. 

"Um, I might have something that you can wear," Katrina spoke up, softly. I shook my head, widening my eyes, as I took in her physique, that was so, so different from my own. "Um, no, that's not necessary," I stammered out. I knew that I would never fit in anything that she owned. There was really no way that she had something that would stretch over my body and I wasn't going to put myself in that embarrassing position.

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