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"LET GO OF ME!" I screamed, trying to yank my arm away from him. He laughed, sounding like he was enjoying himself quite a lot. That only frightened me more, which fueled my urge to fight, to do anything I could to get away from him. 

I wasn't scared of fighting him. I was scared of what he would do, if I didn't. 

He spun me to his chest and locked one of my arms behind my back. My other arm hung limply at my side, while he wrapped his free arm around my neck. I was basically trapped, my back pressed against him. 

"Don't make this harder than it has to be," he purred in my ear. "Fuck you," I spat out, behind clenched teeth. I tried to stomp on his foot, but it didn't work. He let my arm go, trapped it between us, pressing me firmly against him, and wrapped his arm around my waist. He gripped my thigh harshly, squeezing, pushing my dress up further. 

I couldn't stop the whimper that I let out, but I hated myself for it. "My boyfriend will come looking for me," I lied again. "He'll kill you." I just wanted to give him some kind of reason to leave me alone. If only I could get to that stupid clutch purse and get my pepper spray. Hell, I would even settle for my metal cat ears that fit on my knuckles. The stupid purse had fallen to the ground, when he grabbed me though. I had nothing to fight him with and he was much stronger than me. 

I scratched at his arm around my neck, with my free hand, when I realized that I was still holding my damn cigarette! 

"HEY!" I heard a voice yell. I knew that voice! I took my chance at him being distracted by Colby, and slung my free arm up, so that my cigarette went right into his cheek. 

"OW, YOU STUPID BITCH!" he yelled. I had expected him to let me go or, at least, loosen his grip on my damn throat. Instead, he did the opposite. His grip on my throat tightened, choking me. 

Where was Colby? I know that I heard him, so where was he?! When he finally came into my view, I was struggling to breathe even the slightest bit. My anxiety was soaring through my veins, my fight or flight trying desperately to do either one. 

"Col-by," I managed to sputter out. "Oh, is this the boyfriend?" the guy said, taking his disgusting fingers from my thigh and running them through the hair on the side of my head. He pressed his cheek next to mine, while I kept my eyes on Colby. Everything would be okay. Colby was here. 

I had to keep telling myself that, or I was going to pass out. From fear, from anxiety, from not being able to breathe. From one of those. I kept my eyes locked on Colby's blue ones. They weren't the soft ones that I was used too. No, they were the ones that I had only seen a handful of times. 

The hard as steel ones and cold as ice. The ones that should scare anyone he looked at. The ones that promised someone was about to get hurt. His jaw was clenched tight, and his nostrils were slightly flared, as his eyes went from mine to the guy. 

"You okay, Cal?" he asked, not taking his eyes off the guy. "She's fine," the asshole answered. "Ain't that right, darling? We're just having a little fun. How about I come get you when we're done?" 

I struggled against his hold again, lifting my legs, so that he was literally holding me up by my throat. I tried to kick him in the nuts, in the legs, anywhere. I made contact with something, because he grunted and sucked in a breath. Still didn't let me go though. 

"Callie, stop it," Colby said, taking a step closer to us. "Yeah, be a good girl and listen to your boyfriend," the jerk said, with his lips against my ear. "I'm going to fucking kill you," Colby said, calmly. His top lip was lifted in a snarl, as he clenched his fists tightly. He looked terrifying. 

"Right," the guy laughed. "Like you have anything on me. I could take you, while still keeping her in check." He was slightly larger than Colby, and he was crazy, so I wasn't sure how this was going to turn out. That scared the shit out of me. 

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