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My stomach dropped, thinking about Will reading what I had just texted him. I was definitely going to pay for that. I wasn't sure how, but I was sure that I would pay. I propped my elbows on the counter and dropped my head into my hands. I was really too high for this. 

"I'm really gonna pay for that one," I groaned. Then, I felt Colby's hands on my back, rubbing gently. "You're gonna be fine, Cal. I promise. I know he's going to come back at you, but it doesn't matter. What he says, doesn't matter. He's a piece of shit. You know who you are. The people that matter know who you are. Everything that comes out of his mouth is a lie," Colby said, soothingly. 

I turned my head to meet his gaze. His eyes always shocked me, no matter how many times I looked into them. I wasn't sure if other people could see what I saw, but it was always so intense. I could see several different emotions, inside those eyes, at one time. 

Anger, sympathy, compassion, worry, and love. All of that was there, in those gorgeous eyes. 

I sighed heavily and nodded. "You're right. What he thinks or tells people shouldn't matter. I just hate for people to think these horrible things about me, when they don't even know me. Hell, some of them do know me, but they'll still believe him." "Then they don't really know you, do they?" he asked, quietly. 

"I guess not," I whispered, getting lost in the ocean of his eyes, again. How did he do that? His look was just so intense and captivating. 

This friendship thing was so much harder than it should be sometimes.

I could feel that burn in my belly, begging me to kiss him. Begging me to run my fingers over that amazing tattoo, tracing the patterns. Begging me to delve my hands into that thick, perfectly coifed, chestnut brown hair. 

"Um, I think I need to go to bed," I squeaked. Was he a lot closer to me? It felt like he was inside my personal bubble, invading my space. This was getting to be too much. I was obviously way too high to be in this situation and my mind was playing tricks on me.

"You don't wanna wait and see if he texts back?" he asked, raising my eyebrows at me. I shook my head. "Nope. I'll see it in the morning. Besides, it'll just get me into fight mode and I won't be able to sleep. So, I'm gonna turn my phone off and lie down," I replied, as I scooted off my bar stool and stood up. 

He stood with me, and started walking me back to what was going to be my room. I hadn't even seen it yet. When we passed his bedroom door, I couldn't help but think what would happen if I asked to sleep in his room. I wasn't going to do that though. Especially risking the chance that he might say no. 

"Here we are," he said, as he opened the door to my room and stepped back to let me walk inside first. When he flipped the lights on, I gasped a little at what I saw. "This is a guest room?" I breathed, looking around. The room was the same size as the one Denise was in, but the motif was a little different. Instead of the gray and white color scheme she had, it was black and silver. 

The walls were a glittering silver, with glossy black trim. The ceiling had the same glittering effect. The light bounced off of it, shading it in areas, while it looked like crystals shining in the brightly lit areas. 

The bed was a queen size, complete with an old European headboard. It was shaped like the back of what I thought a thrown would look like, complete with a black cushioned filling. The comforter, and pillows, were a black silky material. I imagined that it would feel like I was swimming in the ocean at night. The silk gliding over my body, like the ocean waters. 

It had the same dresser and nightstand that Denise's room had, but they were black, with silver trim. The lamp and little trinkets were darker, more edgy. There were dark fairies on either side of the dresser, along with a black rose inside a globe of water. 

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