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We were finally sitting at our table, so I took a few moments to get over my near panic attack. If Colby hadn't been there, and known exactly what to do, I would've had a full blown breakdown, in front of everyone. 

I didn't need that happening to me ever again, though I was sure it probably would. 

I looked around the room, taking in the lights, as I used one of the little drink stirrers that was on our table. This cheesecake drink was a little too good. Sadly, I had to start over bc the slight burn in my chest, from chugging the drink earlier, was completely gone after my near attack. 

I sipped my drink, fighting the urge to just turn it up again. It was too good to sip. I had a feeling that I was going to get pretty drunk tonight and I was okay with it. I had no responsibilities, no worries. I was free, for the first time in a very, very long time. 

My phone dinged, reminding me that maybe I wasn't so free. I sighed and took it out to see who it was. I expected it to be my mom or Ben, just checking in, or something, but I wasn't that lucky. "Shit," I muttered. "What's wrong?" Denise asked, leaning over to look at my phone. "Is everything okay with your mom?" 

"Yes, everything is fine with them, I guess. This isn't from Mom. It's from Will," I replied, preparing myself for her reaction. "ARE YOU KIDDING ME?" exclaimed, loudly. "WHAT ARE YOU PLAYING AT, CAL?! I THOUGHT YOU BLOCKED HIM!" 

Her voice was really starting to get on my nerves. My head was starting to ache, right behind my eyes, so that definitely wasn't helping. "No, I didn't, Denise!" I exclaimed, raising my voice. She really didn't need to yell at me! "I forgot!" She scoffed and rolled her eyes, pissing me off even more. 

"How could you forget something like that?" She hissed, apparently pretty pissed herself. "Do it now, Callie. Don't even answer him! Just fucking block him." 

I knew Colby had to be hearing every little word, because he was sitting pretty close to me and we were, in no way, being quiet. Hell, half the party probably heard us. 

As if on cue, he spoke up. "What did he say this time?" he asked. I noticed that his voice hardened just a little. His tone was a mix of boredom and scathing hate. I couldn't keep doing this with them. I just wanted to have fun tonight! Was that really too much to ask?"

"Oh my God," I sighed and sat back in my chair. "Just take it." I shoved my phone into Colby's hands, then let my head drop onto the table. I was so over this. Why couldn't they just let me deal with this in my own way? Whether they like it or not, this was my life and I had a right to do what I wanted to do. 

I was sick of people telling me what to do, or just expecting me to do things. 

"I'm so sick of this," I whispered to myself. Of course, Denise heard me. "Callie, I'm not trying to piss you off," she said, earnestly, but I didn't care. "But you are," I replied, lifting my head to look at her. "I told you that I forgot. I got distracted or something. I don't know, but you didn't have to get all crazy about it! You think I want to keep getting this bullshit from him? I don't! I'm so done with this shit." 

I shoved my chair back before she could say anything else, and walked off towards the bar. This event might not be a club, or a bar, or even a house party, but it was a type of party, and it had booze. I wanted to get drunk and fast. I didn't want to care about any of this! Tonight was supposed to be a good night! Fucking Will. Fucking Denise. Fucking MEN!

"What can I get you?" The bartender asked, when he finally came over to me. There were two behind the bar now, since the party was starting to actually become fun. For everyone else, anyway. 

"I'll take a shot of vodka. Best you've got. Make it a double," I told him, daring him to disagree with me, with my eyes. He just smirked a little and nodded. "Yes ma'am. Coming right up." "Bout fucking time someone listens to me," I muttered, under my breath.

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