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Once we were in the car, Colby held his hand out to me, palm up. I looked at his hand, then up into those blue depths that seemed to always knock the breath from my chest. There was a question in his eyes, but more than that, a heat that had me squirming in my seat. I slowly slid my palm against his, and felt his fingers curl around mine, as he flashed me one of those heart melting smiles. 

The only sound on the ride back to his house, was his music blasting through the speakers. The sexual tension was thick, making it hard for me to breathe. Was I the only one feeling it? His thumb kept skimming over the back of my hand, leaving a burning trail where it touched. 

This is stupid! We're holding hands. That's it. WHY was it making me absolutely go nuts, like I was some starstruck teenage girl?! I let out a shaky breath and looked out the window at the houses flying by, trying to distract myself from the ache that was building in my lower belly, and lower. 

It seemed like it took no time at all, before he was pulling back into the garage and stopping the car. He let my hand go, but let his fingertips leave an electricity behind that had me squeezing my legs together. 

This was fucking ridiculous! Jesus Christ, it had really been too long since I had gotten laid. I vaguely wondered why I hadn't felt the urge quite so bad, before now, if it was just because I hadn't had any for a while.

I opened my door, and took the hand that Colby offered, rolling my eyes at his chivalry. He let out a chuckle and the tension eased a bit. We were just Callie and Colby now. Just a couple of best friends, who hadn't hung out in a long time. 

A couple of best friends, where one was EXTREMELY attracted to the other.

He grabbed the one single bag from the backseat, keeping my hand in his, then led us through the garage door, into the main house. As we walked towards the stairs, I looked up at the vaulted ceiling and wondered how I was even in a place like this. 

Sam and Colby had grown up in the nice part of town, the suburbs, while I had grown up on a half acre patch of rural ground, in a run down house. This was waaaayy beyond anything I could even dream of, but here I was, walking up these beautiful steps, with this gorgeous man holding my hand. 

It was funny where life would take you, sometimes. 

We walked up the stairs towards the rooms, in silence. It wasn't awkward anymore though, and I knew why. I had made a decision, right when I walked through the door. 

I was done holding back and being scared. If watching Sam and Colby's videos had taught me anything over the years, it was that a person can change. I could start over. I could change who I was. I didn't have to stay stuck in this introverted, scared, compliant frame of mind that I had been conditioned into. 

I wouldn't let Will steal who I could've been, who I wanted to be, any longer. 

Colby stopped us in front of his room and slid his palm from mine. I missed his touch, immediately. "So, um, here's the suit. I guess I'll meet you out there? Or do you want me to wait?" I smile at his sudden nervousness. It's a far cry from the animalistic way he had me against the dressing room wall. 

"I'll m-meet you out there," I reply, barely more than a whisper, my thoughts causing me to stutter over my words. Seeing me flustered seemed to settle him, though, because his lips curled up slightly on side, as something flashed in those blue eyes reminding me of the hottest part of a flame. 

"Sounds good, Princess," he drawled, holding my gaze in his. "Don't keep me waiting too long." He leaned towards me, pressing his full lips to mine, in one short, burning, soul-consuming kiss. It was over way too soon, then he was opening his bedroom door. He winked, mischief in those eyes now, then closed the door gently. 

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