17 Colby's POV

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I leaned back on the bed, then realized that Callie was no longer sitting with us. I glanced over to the other bed, and saw her sitting with Denise and Kat. She looked nervous, using her hands to talk, with her lips moving faster than usual with her words. She was rambling.

Denise stopped her, then laughed with Kat. They were teasing her about something, but Sam was saying something, so I couldn't totally hear them.

"Dude, are you even listening to me?" Sam asked, shoving me in the shoulder.
"What?" I asked, looking at him. "I'm listening." He just gave me deadpan look and shook his head. "Then, what did I say?"

I should've seen that coming.

"Uh...yeah, I don't know," I laughed. "Sorry, brother. What did you say?" He rolled his eyes and gave me an exasperated grin. "I said, do you think the girls are gonna come back to the house tonight? We can just hang out, have a few drinks, whatever you want."

"I don't know. Callie said they would, if it was okay with Denise. I hope they do," I sighed, looking over at the girls again. Seemed to be some kind of argument now, so I tuned in.

"I packed a pair of black slacks and a black blouse, D! How the fuck was I supposed to know that they would throw a stupid dance? Who even does that? It's a restaurant, for fuck's sake," Callie said, with annoyance.

"Well, they do, apparently," Denise sighed. "Whatever, you just wear anything. We probably won't stay long anyway.

What the hell were they talking about?

"Um, I might have something you can wear," Kat spoke up, softly. Callie looked at her, like she was an alien or something. All I could think about seeing Callie wearing something of Kat's, because they definitely had totally different styles.

"Um, no, that's no necessary," Callie stammered out, looking almost sick. "Seriously, Cal?" Denise groaned. "We're going over there anyway, so you can just check it out." Callie still looked uncertain. I was about to speak up and tell her that she would look amazing in anything, but Denise kept talking.

"Please? If you don't like it, you don't have to wear it. Kat won't be mad," she insisted. Callie scoffed and rolled her eyes. "How do you know if Kat will be mad or not? You just met her." "Because, I can just tell. Watch," Denise replied.

"Kat, would you be mad, if Callista didn't want to wear what you have available?" Denise asked, turning towards Kat. I wanted to laugh at Callie's face when Denise used her full name. She hated it when people did that.

Kat's eyes flicked back and forth between the two girls, like she didn't know what was going on. "Um, no, of course not," she replied, shaking her head, with a small smile. "See? It's settled then. You can check out the fit when we go over there," Denise said, smiling at a disgruntled Callie.

"Speaking of, when is our food supposed to be here? My stomach is talking more than I am. That's impressive," Denise said, looking over at us. "They should be here soon," I replied. "I gave them the room number so they'll be knocking any minute now. Tell your stomach to be patient." 

I caught Callie's eye again, so I smiled widely, when Denise sighed dramatically. 

"Patience, little buddy," she told her stomach, as she rubbed it. "I'll feed you soon. Hang in there a little longer." We were still laughing at that, when there was a knock on the door. The food was finally here.

I didn't know why, but I felt like a kid, excited to see if Callie liked what I picked out for her. I watched her start unloading her bag of food, when I heard an intense growl. 

"You should probably open that up, before your stomach physically tries to fight you," Denise said, between bites. Callie blushed, but didn't replied. She started with the large plate of enchiladas. "What is it?" she asked, giggling nervously. 

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