58 Colby

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I walked back inside the house, following Ben. Mrs. Mary was now the only one in the living room, with some TV show playing, while she was talking to someone on the phone. Callie was nowhere to be seen. 

"So, you're gonna be here for a few days?" Ben asked, standing at the entrance to the hallway. I nodded. "Yeah, for a little while. Not sure how long, exactly." "Cool. Maybe we can have a Mario Kart rematch. I can still beat your ass," he replied, with a cocky little smirk on his face. 

"Ha!" I barked out. "Bet. We'll see if you've gotten better or worse over the last few years." "Oh, better, for sure," he laughed. "My life consists of work, school, and the game. When was the last time you played anything?" He had a point. "Doesn't matter. Skill never goes away," I replied. The kid was going to beat my ass again, and I knew it. Should be fun though.

He chuckled, shaking his head, as he started down the hallway. I checked the kitchen and still didn't find Callie, so I headed down the hallway, towards her room. Even after knowing her all these years, I had never seen her bedroom. I wasn't even sure which room was hers. The only reason I chose the one at the very back, was because it was the only option left. Ben had went into one room, and I could hear growling coming from the other one. That had to be her mom's room. 

I rapped my knuckles, lightly, on the door, and waited. A few seconds later, she cracked the door, just a little. "Oh. Hey," she said, smiling. "Hey. Whatcha doing?" I asked. "I'm gonna get a shower, so that I can go to the police station, I guess," she replied, scrunching her face a little. I could tell she didn't really want to start this whole process, but she was going to do it anyway. Just because it involved her family. 

"You gonna let me in? Or you want me to go chill with your mom?" I asked, leaning my back against the wall, smiling at her a little. "Uuum," she mused, looking confused. "Hold on a sec." She closed the door in my face, surprising me. I stood there another few seconds, until she opened it again, all the way.

My breath caught in my throat, as I took in her appearance. She had on a robe, black and silky, that brushed her legs, mid thigh. A low growl came out of my mouth, as I grabbed her hips, and pushed her back into the room, kicking the door closed behind me. She let out a little squeak, when her legs hit the back of the bed, causing her fall backwards. 

I fell right along with her, catching myself before I actually landed on top of her. "Colby," she gasped out, breathlessly. "I think I need a shower, too," I murmured, as I lowered my lips to her collarbone. Her hands came up, tangling in my hair, as she held my head close to her body. 

"We can't," she breathed out, when I scraped my teeth against the sensitive skin of her throat. "Why not?" I murmured. I was fully clothed, but I could feel the heat coming off of her body, searing through my clothes. I wanted her naked, now. 

"Because," she gasped, when I pushed my lower body against her. "Mom a-and Ben. They'll hear." I sighed and raised up to look at her. Her hazel eyes were filled with need and anticipation, making it even harder, in more ways than one. "Is this how it's going to be the entire time I'm here? Cuz I know what it's like to have you now. Its gonna be very HARD to go back to not touching you," I replied, as I rolled over and sat up. 

She sat up slowly, pushing her robe back down her legs, to cover herself. She was completely naked underneath that scrap of material. Jesus Christ. I shifted and pulled at my pants, trying to get more comfortable. That was going to be impossible for a few minutes. I needed a cold shower. 

"I'm sorry," she said, quietly, looking down at her hands in her lap. I noticed that she still had those anxiety rings on, twirling one with her thumb. "Pretty Girl," I sighed, as I reached around her waist and pulled her closer to my side. "Don't be sorry. I'm not him, Callie." I hated that I needed to keep reminding her that I wasn't going to react the same way Will did, just because she didn't want to have sex. 

Yeah, it sucked, but I wasn't going to get all pissed off about it. It was her choice. "I know," she replied. "I'm just use to a certain reaction and it's what I automatically expect. I'm new to this whole relationship thing and I know its going to be hard getting use to how my family is. I know you're more accustomed to doing what you want, when you want. Its just not like that, here."

"We're both new to the relationship thing," I reminded her. "I haven't had a real relationship since...well, you actually. Our long distance thing." She looked up at me, and cocked her eyebrow. "Seriously? No one? I find that hard to believe." I blushed a little and nodded. There had been casual sex, but no relationships. "Well, believe it. No relationships at all," I said, holding up three fingers on my hand. "Boy Scout vow." 

"You haven't had sex since before that, Colby? That's...hard to believe. You're around so many beautiful women all the time," she said, quietly, a shadow crossing her eyes. Damn it. I was hoping she wouldn't bring up that part. I cleared my throat and shook my head. "I said relationship, Cal. Not sex. There's a difference." 

She was quiet for a moment, holding my gaze. Then she shook her head, letting her multi-colored tresses sift around her shoulders. "Not for me. I tried. I couldn't do it. It has to mean something for me." "I know," I replied, shifting on the bed, so that I was facing her. "And I think that's amazing." 

She smiled a little, then leaned forwards to quickly press her soft lips to mine. "There was this one guy that I almost went all the way with," she said, quietly, biting her bottom lip. Jealously surged up my body, but I pushed it down. Although, it did make me almost feral, thinking about another man touching her. I especially didn't like to think about Will touching her. 

"Yeah? Too bad for him that it didn't work out," I said, clearing my throat. She giggled, looking up at me, like she had a secret that I didn't know. "What?" I asked. "It was you, you dork. When we were making out at the club and you had to physically stop me. I was always so embarrassed about that. I blame it on the alcohol," she laughed, shaking her head.

"Oh!" I exclaimed, unable to stop the smile curving my lips. I reached out and caught her chin in my hand. I leaned closer, until my lips were just a breath away from hers. "You have no idea what you were doing to me that night. Stopping you was probably the hardest thing I've ever had to do, and also the dumbest." 

She sucked in a sharp breath, staring into my eyes. "It wasn't dumb. You were right. In the backseat of a car, in a club parking lot, wasn't the way our first time should've been. The way it was...it was perfect." I smiled a little and pushed her hair back from her face, before pressing my lips to hers.

It was slow, the building of heat, the promise of things to come. My tongue and lips moving with hers, claiming her, but also giving myself to her. I had always belonged to her. I groaned and broke the kiss. "You should go take a shower, before I decide that I really don't care who hears us," I grunted, tightening my hand in her hair for just a second. 

She gasped, with the tip of her tongue shooting out to wet her bottom lip, before her top teeth pressed into it. Yeah, she had to go. Right now. "Go take a shower, Pretty Girl. I'll be here when you get out," I said, standing up and holding my hand out to her. She took it and pulled herself to her feet. 

"Okay. I need to get my things. I, um, hmm," she said, looking around her room in confusion. "What is it?" I asked. "I temporarily forgot what I needed," she said, quietly, sounding almost child-like. I chuckled and pointed to the toiletry bag on the foot of her bed. "Maybe that?" "Oh. Yeah, that's it. I keep everything in here, because I can't afford for everyone else in this house to use my stuff. Good shampoo and conditioner can be really expensive," she replied, picking up the bag. 

She was rambling again, so plopped back down on the bed, giving myself a better view of her silk covered ass. Immediately, my arm shot out, on it's own accord, and I smacked her ass, watching it move under the fabric. "Colby!" she shrieked, jumping around to face me, as she started rubbing her butt cheek. 

I laughed and shrugged. "Seriously. Go take a shower, or I won't be held accountable for my actions." "Fine. Fucking dork," she snarked, rolling her eyes, but there was a small, pleased smile on her lips. Maybe my inability to keep my hands off of her was going to lift her confidence a little. Good. She needed to realize just how fucking beautiful she was. 

She blew me a kiss and walked out, closing the door behind her, leaving me alone in her bedroom. I took the time to look around the smallish room. There were a few clothes scattered across the floor and a couple of things strown on the dresser. The room, itself, smelled of her fruity body spray, as well as something that was just so Callie. 

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