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Cooking breakfast took a little longer than it should've. With Colby's "help," I'm pretty sure it took me, at least, 30 minutes longer than it should've. I tried to change the subject away from my weight, and my inability to accept him picking me up, but he just KEPT talking about it. So, I quit arguing and let him talk.

"I love this curve," he said, tracing his finger down my side, while I tried to concentrate on flipping the egg I was frying. He was standing right behind me and it was distracting as HELL. "If you make me burn myself with hot grease, I'm gonna kick you in the nuts," I retorted, even as I shivered from his touch. 

He chuckled and moved his hand to my hip, squeezing a little, as he leaned his lips close to my ear. "I adore this curve," he whispered, sending chills over my body. I swear, it felt like my entire neck erupted in goosebumps. "Stop iiitttt," I whined, tilting my head to the side, to make him move those damn sinful lips away from me. 

I felt him take a step back from me, so I started to turn to grab the loaf of bread that I had set on the kitchen table. Before I could, a smack sounded, at the same time a sharp pain burst on my ass. I spun around, brandishing my spatula like a weapon, pointing it straight at Colby. 

"Stop smacking my ass! You ASS!" I exclaimed. The smirk on his face was annoying me, as much as it was making me smile. He shrugged his shoulders and touched his tongue to his top lip. "Can't seem to help myself. I  just LOVE those curves. You shouldn't be so irresistible." I rolled my eyes and turned back to the stove, so that he couldn't see me blush. "You're so full of shit," I murmured. 

When I felt his hands snake around my waist, I leaned back into him. "You're gonna make me burn breakfast," I said, turning my face towards his neck. On a whim, I leaned in and bit him, right below his jaw. Instead of him jerking away, or something of that nature, like I expected, he just groaned and tightened his arms around me. "You're gonna pay for that one," he replied, his voice all guttural and deep. 

My entire body shivered, making my legs tremble with the implication of his words. "Hand me the bread please," I croaked, trying to divert his attention to something else. He was going to make me burn the entire house down, if he kept this up. 

"Fiiine," he replied, with laughter in his voice. "I'll save it for later." I turned to get the bread that he was holding out, catching his eye in the process. The usual smirk rested on his lips, taunting me. "I can't stand you," I muttered, pulling the bread from his hands. "Maybe, but you love me," he replied.

Since I couldn't argue the point, I just rolled my eyes and turned back to the stove. I did love him. It was confusing, going from being my best friend to a stranger, back to my best friend, and now my love. Sometimes, I would forget that I could kiss him whenever I wanted, but I guess that was expected. We hadn't even been in a relationship for an entire day, yet.

Then, why did my heart feel like I had loved him forever?

I pushed the thought from my mind and focused on breakfast, since Colby had decided to sit down at the table and pull out his phone. Without his interference, it only took me another fifteen minutes and breakfast was finally finished. 

I was setting everything up on the table, when I heard my mom shuffling down the hall. "Watch this," I instructed Colby. "Don't let the cats near it." Without waiting for a reply, I hurried down the hall to my mom. "Momma, what are you doing?" I sighed, as I took her phone and water bottle from her hands. 

She was using her cane, instead of her walker, but I didn't want to take the chance of her falling. "Coming to eat breakfast," she replied, looking up at me. "I thought you forgot about me, since it was taking so long." I felt the heat rush to my face and knew I was blushing, yet again. 

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