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A/N: Just a reminder to please vote, comment, and possibly share! I've let my readers fall off too badly and I need your help to get them back. This really helps recommend the story to others. Thank you! Love you always! 

"Anything else you need help with?" he asked, gruffly. When did his hands get on my hips? I hadn't even realized that he had put them there?! I drew my bottom lip into my mouth and pressed my teeth down into it, before shaking my head. "No. I think that's all," I murmured, still holding his hypnotic ass gaze. Why couldn't I look away?

It was like the other times, only more intense. Like it had been in the car, when I was straddling his waist, all those years ago. I looked away, when I saw one of his hands move from my hip. My eyes followed it's trail, as it traveled up my side, over the small piece of fabric that was supposed to be a swimsuit top, around and up my arm, until his fingers rested against my collarbone. 

My skin felt like it was on fire, where his fingers had touched. My face was flushed, hot, when his eyes met mine again. This probably wasn't a good idea. I should have probably told him to go. I should have probably done a lot of things, other than what I actually did. I don't know what came over me, in that moment, but my mind shut down.

My mind shut down, and my body took control. I pressed my hands against his chest and raised up on my tip toes, then pressed my lips to his. I saw his blue eyes widen in surprise, before I closed my own. His arms circled my waist, pulling me tight against his body, lifting me off the ground a few inches.

I gasped, giving him the opportunity to deepen the kiss, and he took it. He not only took it, he dominated it. He was in control and I was perfectly okay with that. I liked it like that. His tongue and lips worked against my own, frantically almost, like we would both die if we stopped. 

The fact that I was allowing him to pick me up, didn't cross my mind. The fact that I only had on a thin piece of fabric covering the top of my body, that wasn't even hooked, didn't cross my mind. 

The only coherent thought in my mind was one word. MORE. I wanted more. I wanted all that he could give me, damn the consequences. When my back almost slammed against the thin wall of the dressing room, I dug my fingers into his shoulders and hung on for dear life. Somehow, my legs ended up around his waist, with his hands underneath my thighs. The warmth from them was burning into my flesh. 

When he broke the kiss, and moved those talented lips and tongue to my neck, I whimpered and drew in large gulps of air. I couldn't breathe, I was burning up, and I was going insane, but in the best possible ways. 

I moaned when his teeth pressed into the soft skin of my neck, and turned my head to give him better access. He started moving his tongue up along my heated flesh, until he caught my earlobe between his teeth. I gasped, and let out another moan. This time it wasn't just a moan though. It was his name.

That seemed to urge him on, because my back was pushed even harder into the wall, with his fingers gripping my thighs so hard, I knew my sensitive skin would be bruised. I didn't care. It felt amazing. 

Then, there was knock on the door and my eyes flew open. "Um, excuse me? I think you guys need to leave," a young voice stammered outside the room. "Oh my God," I whispered, meeting Colby's gaze. 

I didn't know if I was saying it because we got caught, or because I had just allowed it to happen. What was I thinking?! I wasn't thinking. That was the problem. No reasonable coherent thoughts had been able to permeate my brain in those few stolen moments of heat.  

"We're coming," Colby replied, harshly, to the voice, still holding my gaze. His cheeks were flushed, his bright blue eyes wild. His lips were swollen and slightly pinker than normal. I blushed, reliving the kiss that had taken place. 

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