11 Colby's POV

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Today was the day! Callie would be here, in Las Vegas, in just a few hours. I couldn't be more excited...or nervous, for that matter.

I felt like my entire body was buzzing with anxiety. I should've been tired, after not sleeping last night, but I was far from it. 

I glanced at my phone to check the time again. 4 minutes had passed since I had checked it last. "How is that even possible?" I groaned, as I sat back in my chair, at the kitchen table. "It feels like it's been at least an hour."

Time seemed to have slowed down to a miniscule speed, ever since I had decided to give up on trying to sleep at 5 A.M. this morning. Like the universe was playing a very cruel joke on me, dangling Callie in front of me, then slowing everything around me down, while I stayed in this wired existence, counting the seconds till I could see her in front of me.

I looked down at the list in front of me and sighed. The entire page was filled with things to do, even though she was only going to be here for a few days. My idea was to let her pick what she wanted to do, then I would do everything I could to make it happen.

Of course, knowing Callie, she'd probably just want to walk around town, or hang out at the house. I wanted to make this trip special for her though. She had already taken a huge leap out of her comfort zone, simply by stepping on the plane to get here , so I didn't want to overwhelm her. 

Callie was...skittish, for lack of a better term. I was never sure if she would show me the girl that I use to know, shut down completely, or run away.

Which reminded me that I never did get my chance to beat Will's ass. That was added to my Bucket List. I wouldn't tell her about it though, because she was always trying to keep the peace.

Sometimes, peace wasn't an option. Sometimes, a person needed to release some steam and kick someone's ass who deserved it.

If karma wasn't going to give Will what he deserved, then I would...but that was for another day.

Today was going to be all about Callie.

I had already let Sam and Kat know that the girls were coming in today and they had agreed to come to the airport with me, to meet them. Kat was excited to meet Callie, simply because she wanted to know 'what kind of girl could make Colby Brock be down so bad.' 

We still had a while to wait, so I decided to clean up the house. As I ran around, picking up clothes, dishes, and cans that were strowed everywhere, I had Sam and Katrina in the background teasing me mercilessly.

"Look at our boy!" Sam exclaimed. "He's in LUUURVE. Getting the house all purdy for his girlfriend."

I rolled my eyes, clamped my mouth shut, and continued loading the dishwasher. I teased him about how he was with Katrina all the time, so I guess now was his time for payback.

"That's when you know he's got it bad," Kat laughed. "When the fuck does Colby Brock clean up? And this is all for one girl? Wow." 

"Two, actually," I said, giving her the side eye. "She's bringing her friend, Denise. Remember? I told you guys that. I just want the place to look nice, and not like all we do is fucking party." 

"It's beginning to look like we don't even live here though, dude. You're actually making it spotless," Sam replied, with a little laugh.

"Shut up, Sam," Kat hissed, jokingly. "Let the man clean, if he wants to clean." I smiled to myself, because I knew how much I annoyed her when I left my stuff laying around the house. I wasn't the neat freak that Sam was. Not by a long shot.

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