21 Colby's POV

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I knew Callie had felt what I felt. That undeniable attraction that was like an electric current, pulling us together. She had to have felt it. There was no way that I was the only one. Especially when she faltered on the steps of this silly handshake she was supposed to be teaching me. 

Now, here I was, staring into her hazel green eyes, transfixed like I always was. I wanted to kiss her. To just pull her to me, and finish the kiss that I had tried to start earlier. Her hand was still in mine. All I had to do was just pull her to me. She licked her lips, like she was asking me to do just that. My fingers tightened on hers, shifting a little to start pulling her towards me. 

"Okay, pretty good, but you gotta clap at the end and then the sign. You know how it goes, Cal," Denise said, breaking the spell that I was under. If I were being honest, I really wanted to kick her out right then. It seemed like she had a knack for interrupting, right when it was about to get good. 

Callie's cheeks flushed, as she looked at Denise, then down at our hands. She cleared her throat, then met my gaze again. "Um, yeah, the clap," she said, with a shaky voice. It seemed like I was affecting her, just as much as she was affecting me. 

She clapped her hand against mine, and I followed her in doing the little hand sign at the end of the silly ritual she shared with her best friend. I grinned, hoping that she wouldn't clam up on me again, like she did every time things got weird between us. 

I stepped back and held my hands out, looking from her to Denise and back again. "So? Am I in the Best Friends Club now?" I asked. "I dont' know," Denise murmured, as she tapped her black tipped nail against her chin. She looked over at Cal, with an indecisive expression. "What you do you think, Cal? Does he have what it takes?"

Callie smiled, and looked into my eyes again. "Yeah, he does. Welcome to the Best Friends Club, Colby." Her voice was even and calm. Sweet. I loved hearing her say my name, probably more than I should. "Yeah?" I asked, overdramatizing excitement, as I clapped my hands together. "Really? You really mean it?" 

They both laughed and nodded. "Yep, welcome friend," Denise laughed. "Oh, oh, goody!" I squealed, as I did a little jump. Callie's laughter rang out, filling the room. "So, what do we do in this club?" I asked. 

"We go find Kat, because we need to get dressed!" Denise exclaimed, looking at the time on her phone. "It's almost time for the mixer. We also need to grab the rest of our things from the hotel, if we're really staying here." 

I stopped the smile that started to spread across my face. I had said that they could wait until all of that was over, before they decided on staying or not. I wanted them to stay with us, but the fear on Callie's face, when it was suggested, was enough to make me falter. 

I didn't really know why she was scared, but that had definitely been fear in her eyes. So, I was just going to try and make her as comfortable as possible, and be the best friend that she wanted me to be. 

"Our bags are by the front door," Callie spoke up, softly. Her voice was so sweet and innocent. I knew Callie, but I was also more accustomed to a faster paced life than she lived. I had to remember that she wasn't like most people I knew now. 

"I'll take you guys to Katrina, then go grab your bags for you," I offered. I shot Kat a text really quick, asking if she were in her room and telling her that the girls needed to get dressed for their event. 

I kind of wanted to go to this dance, if I were being honest, but no one had invited me. I knew it was a work thing, so I wasn't even sure that I would be allowed to attend. I wanted to ask, but then again, I didn't. It actually made me anxious, just thinking about it. 

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