3.10 - Sweet Sorrows

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"Parting is such sweet sorrow, that I shall say goodnight till it be morrow"

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"Parting is such sweet sorrow, that I shall say goodnight till it be morrow"

Nobody likes goodbyes, but for some reason we have to say it all the time.

It's not goodbye, it's simply see you later. Those words are used to ease the pain of goodbyes, but there's always that voice in the back of your mind telling you, you'll never see that person again.

The worst goodbyes, are the ones you never see coming...


Avery and Colin stood in airport with solemn expressions. Avery was fighting back tears, she didn't want to be crying when he left.

"I guess this is goodbye" Avery said in a broken voice.

"No this isn't goodbye. You know why? Because you and me, were fate. We will find each other again. And I'm gonna give you the fairytale ending you deserve. I love you, Avery Gilmore." He told her before pressing a gentle kiss to her lips.

They stood there resting their foreheads against each other, until Colin's flight was announced.

"Last call for Flight 227 to Paris"

Colin let out a deep breath "I've got to go, Angel"

They pulled away from eachother and Avery cleared her throat. "I love you" she said quietly before giving him one last kiss and watching him walk away.

He wanted her to beg him to stay, he wanted her to tell him not to go. Because if she asked him to stay he would. He would go to the ends of the earth for her. But the words never came she was letting him leave

She wanted to stop him. She wanted to beg him not to go.

If you love someone, let them go.


Avery sat on the steps outside of Luke's with her head in her hands, letting out muffled sobs.

She heard footsteps, but didn't bother looking up as someone sat down next to her. No words were said, Luke just wrapped his arms around the girl and pulled her to his chest.

They sat there for a few moments before Avery finally spoke. "He left. Colin left"

Luke sighed and pulled away to look at her. Her eyes were red and puffy, with tears still slowly falling from them and cheeks were stained with remnants of the tears that had already fallen.

"It's not forever, Avery. I have never seen someone look at a person with so much love until I saw the way that boy looked at you. He'll be back." The man tried to assure her.

The moment warmed Avery's broken heart, it was rare to see Luke act all sappy and affectionate. But when he did, he was really good at it.

"Come on, I'll make you some coffee" Luke said helping Avery stand up

"It's eight o'clock at night" Avery furrowed her brows

"I know, but you need it. Just don't tell your mom" He responded as he opened the door to the diner.

Avery laughed softly as she stepped into the diner, Luke's' words replaying her mind

It's not forever...Right?


"What are your plans after you graduate?" Luke asked in an attempt to get Avery to talk.

For the entire summer, Avery had spent every day in Luke's, staring out the window with a cup of coffee in her hands.

For the entire summer, Avery had kept her phone directly in front of her waiting for it to ring.

And for the entire summer, Colin hadn't called her once.

Avery let out a soft sigh and looked over at Luke. "I guess it wouldn't hurt to tell you...I've been working on a book"

Luke smiled at her "that's great"

"I've also had a few meetings with a publisher. if they like my book, then there's a chance it'll get published." She continued

Luke's heart swelled with pride "from now on you can have all the coffee you want"

"You're gonna regret that" Avery laughed

"Probably, but right now I don't care"


Colin sat in his new office in Paris. He had spent the entire summer going back and forth with his father in an attempt to leave his job.

Not only was he miserable following in his father's footsteps working in finance of all things, but he was miserable because while he was in France, Avery was in Connecticut.

Colin hadn't spoken to her all summer, he didn't want to call her unless he could tell her that he was coming home. And right now, that wasn't an option.

But the only thing he wanted at the moment, was to hear his Angels voice.


"You're an ass" Avery said as soon as she answered the phone.

"I know, I'm sorry I haven't called" Colin sighed

Avery frowned "why haven't you?"

"I didn't want to unless I had good news. My father won't break though" He explained

"Colin, not talking to you makes this ten times harder." She told him

"I promise I won't make that mistake again. Tell how your summer has been"

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