2.2 - Avery's first day at Yale

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Avery was convinced that there was nothing anyone could do to get rid of the smile on her face

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Avery was convinced that there was nothing anyone could do to get rid of the smile on her face. She was beyond excited and her smile only widened when she got to the campus. She had been smiling so much that she was starting to lose feeling in her face. Nothing was gonna ruin this for her.

The youngest Gilmore had opted against driving to the school with her mom and sister. Not only did she not want to spend over an hour in the car with Rory, but she also wanted to get to Yale earlier. That way, she could get settled into her dorm and still have plenty of time to explore the campus, seeing as she had never been there alone and didn't actually know her way around that well.

Avery finally reached her dorm, the second she opened the door that led into her common area she was met with a smiling face. "Hi. I'm Rosemary Sloane. I'm your new roommate, well, one of them at least." A girl with vibrant red hair said to her "Hi. I'm Every Gilmore. It's nice to meet," Avery smiled at the girl sticking her hand out for the girl to shake. Rosemary happily shook the Gilmore's hand.

"Uh, do you need any help bringing things in? I'm pretty much settled," The redhead offered. "That would actually be great, If you don't mind," Avery said with a grateful smile "Not at all. It could give us a chance to get to know each other,"


With the help of Rosemary, Avery had managed to get all of her things into her room reasonably quickly. Now, the girls were wandering around the campus helping each other map out the best routes to each of their classes and getting to know each other. Avery had learned that Rosemary came from a high society family and had grown up in South Carolina. And, from what Avery had picked up, the redhead didn't seem to act like a spoiled brat. In fact, she seemed incredibly down to earth and had been nothing but kind to Avery all day.

"Okay, I have to visit this place. It seems so magnificently weird." Rosemary said, laughing a bit as Avery told the girl stories about all the strange things that have happened while living in Stars Hollow. Avery shrugged "Yeah, it grows on you. I should take you to Luke's diner, best coffee you'll ever have," The Gilmore suggested. "Its a date," Rosemary smiled

"Avery" The girl turned around when she heard name and smiled when she saw her mother. Lorelai walked over to her daughter with a smile "Hey, babes. Who's this?" The woman asked while giving Avery a hug "This is my roommate, Rosemary. Rose, this is my mother, Lorelai,"

"Hi, It's nice to meet you," Rosemary said. "It's nice to meet you too," Lorelai said smiling at the girl before looking back at Avery "Did you get everything moved in already?" Avery nods "Yeah, I'm all set."

"Good. Okay, I have to go dump a mattress. Call me if you need anything," Lorelai told the girls before walking away. Both girls furrowed their brows and looked at each other. "Dump a mattress?" Rosemary questioned, earning a shrug from Avery "Who knows," She says shaking her head.


Rosemary and Avery were sitting on the couch in their common room chatting and eating take out when Avery realized something "Hey, shouldn't our other roommate be here by now?" Avery asked. "Huh. Maybe they bailed," The redhead suggested. Avery shrugged.

"So, we've talked about families, friends, hometowns, goals and aspirations, likes and dislikes. There's only one thing we are missing. Relationships. I didn't want to ask sooner because I thought that maybe there was a reason you were putting off the topic," Rosemary says, earning a sigh from Avery.

"Oh, touchy subject? We don't have to talk about it, if you don't want to," Avery smiles at her new friend and shakes her head "No, It's fine. It's kind of a long story though," The Gilmore girl says "We've got time. And I've got ears all ready to listen."


Rosemary was a very easy person to talk to. Her and Avery had just clicked almost immediately and it filled Avery with a sense of relief. She was glad she didn't have to worry about feeling alone at Yale. As the brunette told Rosemary about everything that went down between herself, Rory, and Tristan. The redhead sat and listened intently.

"Ew. Number one, what a pig. And number two, how could your sister do that to you?" Rosemary said once Avery had finished her story, smiling slightly when her words got a small laugh out of the other girl. "I agree with the pig statement."

"As far as Rory goes, I don't know. She's the one person in this world that I always trusted would never hurt me no matter what. Honestly, I don't think I'm that mad about the kiss anymore. I mean yeah, it sucks, but the fact that my own sister confirmed my worst insecurities. My own sister confirmed that she thinks less of me, that's what hurts." Avery said, voice cracking slightly in the last few words.

Rosemary looked at her with sad eyes, before wrapping her arms around the brunette "I lost both my best friend and my sister that night," Avery says, sinking into the girl's hug. "I'm sorry, honey. I can't even begin to imagine how that must have felt,"

"But, it's a good thing for you that I'm in the market for a new best friend. And, I can be your honorary sister, at least until you and your actual sister make up," Rosemary said with a smile. "I'd like that," Avery says

"You know, you're lucky. It sounds like you had some pretty great friends by your side, to help you move on." Avery smiles "Yeah, My boys are pretty great. I'll have to introduce you to them when and if they ever come back to the country," Rosemary laughs "That sounds great. Now, tell me...Are they cute?"

Avery laughs but stops when she sees the serious look on Rosemary's face "Oh, that was a serious question" The brunette mutters "Yeah, are you into any of them? Has anything happened to one of them?" Rosemary asks. Avery's face starts to heat up and her eyes widen slightly causing Rosemary to gasp "Oh my god. Something has happened. Spill,"

"Well, there was kind of a moment at a party a couple of months ago. It never escalated to much though," Avery says "Tell me everything,"

A/N - You guys don't get to know what happened yet, it does come up in the future though. Also, I was smiling so hard while writing this chapter, because I love Rosie and Avery so much.

Quick question: Who do you guys want Avery to date? I keep bouncing back and forth between Colin and Finn, but I'm open to suggestions. 

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