3.1 - The new and improved Lorelai

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Avery lay awake in her bedroom at her mom's house staring at the ceiling

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Avery lay awake in her bedroom at her mom's house staring at the ceiling. She had a lot of thoughts swirling through her mind.

In the past couple of years, Avery had noticed some major changes in her sister and unfortunately for the younger Gilmore twin, she was usually on the receiving end of the bad behavior.

As those changes became more apparent, Avery began to think back on prior events, more specifically who she had forgiven after those events. As time went on, Avery began to believe she made the wrong choices.

Forgave the wrong person.

Shifting her body to look at the clock on her bedside table, Avery let out a small groan. 5:15 AM.  She hadn't slept at all and she had to be up and ready to meet Rosemary at Luke's by 6:30.

Avery had tiredly shuffled her way out of bed and all the way to Luke's. When she got there she didn't even have to ask for coffee, Luke got one look at her sleep deprived state and just gave her the coffee with no arguments.

The youngest Gilmore thanked him and sat down at a table to wait for her best friend. A few minutes passed before Rosemary came walking into the diner with a smile on her face. That smile faltered a bit when she saw Avery about to fall asleep in her cup of coffee.

"What the hell happened to you?" Rosemary questioned, sitting in the seat across from the girl.

Avery let out a tired groan "Couldn't sleep. Do you have it?"

Rosemary nodded happily and pulled out a packet of papers and a pen, sliding them over to the brunette.

The two girls had decided they wanted to continue living together, at least for the time being. And despite many protests from Avery, the Sloane family insisted on getting them a place. All the girls had to do was sign the lease and move in.

"Are your parents absolutely sure they-" Avery was cut off

"Peaches, we've been through this like a billion times. My parents want to do this. Trust me, it's not hurting their pockets. And according to my father, you're family. Family helps family. Now sign" Rosemary told her

Avery sighed before signing the papers and sliding them back over to Rosemary to sign. The redhead smiled and put the papers back in her bag.

"Now, we just need to trick the boys into helping us move." Avery laughed slightly at Rosemarys comment.

This was gonna be a good for her.


As weeks passed, Avery and Rosemary were getting ready to move into their apartment and Avery had also been helping her mother plan for a wedding.

The youngest Gilmore couldn't help but notice a bit of reluctance on Lorelai's side during the planning and Avery knew exactly where it was coming from.

It wasn't reluctance about marrying Luke, it was reluctance about potentially doing it without Rory. The younger twin had gotten used to not speaking to her sister for long periods of time, but she could see the toll it was taking on her mother.

Growing up, Lorelai tried her hardest to love the twins equally and generally speaking she did a great job at doing so. But, it was no secret that she was closer to Rory than she was to Avery.

Lorelai loved Avery with everything she had, but Rory was more than her daughter. Rory was Lorelai's best friend. Not speaking to her and getting engaged at the same time was not an easy situation for her.

"Mom, maybe you should you hit pause In wedding planning." Avery sighed as she watched her mom stare absentmindedly at the wedding magazines in front of her.

Lorelai shook her head as she snapped out of her daze "Nope, I'm totally fine"

"There's no rush. We both know you're not gonna be able to get married without Rory there"

Lorelai looked at Avery and sighed. "Why do you always have to be right?"

Once again Avery was surrounded by copious amounts of boxes. She and Rosemary had finished getting all of their things into their apartment with the help of the boys. Now there was just the matter of unpacking and organizing.

"I think the poker table should go over there" Finn said as gestured to the other side of the living room.

Avery snicked at the look on Rosemary's face "not happening" the redhead shot down the idea. "You're not turning our home into a casino"

Finn pouted and sat down on the couch. "Well, you're just no fun" he muttered.

Avery shook her head and walked into the kitchen as the two began to bicker. She grabbed a box and started unpacking dishes when she felt a pair of hands grab her waist.

"It's a nice place," Colin said, resting his chin on the girl's shoulder.

"Mr. Sloane definitely picked a good one." Avery hummed as she turned to face her boyfriend.

Colin smiled at her and placed a kiss on her nose. "You seem a little dazed. Are you okay?"

"Yeah, I've just got a lot on my mind." Avery nodded, giving him a small smile. "Can I ask you a question?"

Colin nodded "go for it"

"How would you feel if I called Tristan?" As Avery's 21st birthday inched closer, the blonde had been on her mind. The two of them spent a lot of time talking about how they would celebrate and the closer it got, the more Avery had considered talking to him.

Colin wasn't sure how he felt about it. Obviously if Avery wanted to do it, he couldn't really stop her. But, at the same time, he was worried about a few different things. One, Colin had seen how hurt Avery was after graduation and he didn't want to risk her getting hurt again. Two, he was worried about what would happen if Avery ended up forgiving Tristan. He was worried he would lose her.

"Uh, it's your choice" Colin told her, clearing his throat.

Avery looked at him, she could see the wheels turning in his head. She knew there was more to his answer than that.

"It's just, I never actually got his side of the story you know. And I feel like if I could forgive Rory, I should at least try and talk to to him" Avery explained

Colin gave her a tight lipped smile and nodded, causing Avery's brows to furrow. There was something else going on inside his mind.

"You're worried. What are you worried about?" The girl asked him

Colin looked at her "I don't want you to get hurt again, that's all"

"I won't. I've got you guys, nobody can hurt me with you around"

Oh how wrong she was.

A/N - I apologize for the wait for a pretty crappy chapter...this chapter is just to kind of build to the upcoming events, you know? Also, we've reached like 16k reads and I can't express how grateful I am for the support. This book has been getting so much love and it makes my heart swell. 

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