2.12- Pulp Friction

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Avery didn't do well with feelings, at least not her own

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Avery didn't do well with feelings, at least not her own. She was good at talking to people about their feelings, but the second someone asks her about her own she shuts down. It had gotten progressively worse considering the last time she actually dealt with her feelings, it blew up in her face. This time she did what she believed would best, or what she believed would keep her from getting hurt.

She was shutting down and shutting people out.


Avery was sitting at a table alone, lost in her thoughts, people watching and snickering to herself as she watched Rory struggling to get interviews with the other members of 'The Life And Death Brigade'. "Penny for your thoughts, Angel?" Logan asked as he sat next to the girl. "You're using E's?" Avery jokes, keeping her eyes trained on something, or rather someone in the distance. "Yeah, don't tell Harrison," The boy shrugs "Now, what's going on in that pretty little mind of yours?"

"Nothing," She mutters. Logan squints at her before noticing she was looking elsewhere. He follows her line of sight and his eyes land on Colin and Finn talking animatedly with each other, laughing a bit as Finn swings his arm a little too much, hitting the person behind him before he turns back to the girl. "Are you finally starting to figure it out?"

"What are you talking about?" Avery asks, finally drawing her eyes away and turning to Logan. "You and Colin," The blonde says "What about us?" Logan sighs and stands up, looking down at the girl "You're smart, Angel. You'll figure it out," The boy sends her a wink before turning around and walking away.


Avery thought about that conversation with Logan. A lot. That's why she was so spaced out, because she had figured out what the boy was talking about. She finally figured out why her eyes are drawn to Colin in a room full of people. She finally figured out why her heart starts to race when he smiles at her. She finally figured out why she feels her cheeks start to heat up whenever he wraps an arm around her shoulder.

She finally figured it all out. And, she was gonna do everything she could to avoid all of it.


Rosemary and Avery were sitting together on the couch in their dorm watching 'When Harry met Sally' , when suddenly Finn dramatically burst through the door, with Colin following after him. Unbothered, the girls just keep their gaze on the TV. They had gotten used to the boys coming in as they pleased. Rosemary finally chose to acknowledge the boys as they plopped themselves down on the seats next to the girls

"How can we help you boys," The redhead asks as Avery kept her eyes trained on the screen. "I came to invite you lovely ladies to my birthday party tomorrow night. It's Quinton Tarantino themed and I expect costumes" Finn tells her "We'll be there, Finnie." Rosemary responds for both herself and Avery, while casting a glance at her best friend who sat there staring at the TV with a stoic expression.

"Are you okay?" Colin whispers, looking down at Avery. The girl just hums in response before getting up and leaving the dorm. Her three friends watch her walk out with confused expressions. Colin's gaze lingers on the door before shifting his eyes to the screen and letting out a sigh as the ending scene of the movie played.

Rosemary looked over at him with questioning eyes. The boy just shook his head and walked out the door, just as Avery did moments before. Finn, who had been too busy yelling at Harry to run faster in the movie, finally looked over and furrowed his brows "Where did Colin and Angel go?"


Avery walked into Finn's party wearing an outfit that resembled Uma Thurman's yellow tracksuit from movie Kill Bill, her arm linked with Rosemary's. Avery's eyes scanned the room as the two girls walked deeper into the party. The brunette furrowed her brows when she caught sight of Rory with Robert but chose to ignore it when she saw the bar.

As the night progressed, Colin grew more concerned about Avery. She kept drinking and drinking. He had seen her like this before, but she only got like this when she was either hurt or trying to hide her emotions. Rory was too preoccupied with her relationship problem to notice anything wrong. Rosemary and Finn were too engrossed in each other to notice anything. The only person aside from Colin who had picked up on the girls behavior had been Logan.

The blonde caught Colin's eye and nodded his head over to Avery with a questioning look only to earn a shrug in response. Logan looked over at Avery and sighed before getting distracted by Rory and Robert. Colin pursed his lips when he noticed Logan was no longer paying attention and let out a deep breath as he watched Avery get another drink.

Avery went to take a sip of her drink but someone took her glass out of her hand before she could. The girl pouted as she looked up at Colin, but her face quickly dropped when she saw the look he was giving her. She sighed "I don't want to talk about it"

"Why have you been avoiding me? Why have you been avoiding all of us?" Colin asked "I'm not avoiding anyone. Just, been busy" Avery shrugs, avoiding eye contact. Colin had picked up on the fact that she was trying not to actually look at him, she was facing his direction but her eyes were dancing around looking everywhere but at him. "Bullshit. You weren't doing anything when Finn and I were at your dorm yesterday. You just walked out,"

Avery huffed as her eyes finally landed on him "Has it ever occurred to you that maybe I don't want to be around you?" She internally winced as she watched a look of hurt flash on his face. "Why not? What did I do?" He asked

"Nothing. That's the problem. You're so perfect and nice to me all the time. And I love it, It makes me happy. So, now I don't want to be around you," Avery huffed, throwing her arms in the air. "You don't want to be around me because I make you happy?"

"No, I don't want to be around you because of how you make me feel. I don't want to go through that again, okay. I don't want to get hurt again," She told him. "Angel I-" Colin started "No, I don't want to do this," Avery cut him off before pushing past him and through the crowd of people. Colin tried following after her but she was already gone. So, he went to her dorm but she wasn't there either. She had just disappeared.


Avery paid the cab driver and thanked him before getting out of the car and walking up to the front door of her mothers house and walking in. "Mom?" the girl called out. Lorelai walked out from the kitchen and gave her daughter a confused look "Hey, honey. What are you doing here?"

"I ran away," Avery muttered as she wrapped her arms around her mom. "Ran away from what?" Lorelai asked "Feelings. Colin." The girl said quietly. Lorelai sighed and pulled away from the hug, cupping her daughter's face in her hands "Why'd you run?"

"Because I was scared. I'm scared of it happening again," Avery told her "Oh, sweetheart. It's okay to be scared. But, I don't think there's anything to be scared of with Colin. I've seen the way he looks at you. On Pippi night, at the vow renewal. His eyes are filled with nothing but love and admiration for you," Lorelai said

Avery walked over to the couch and ran a hand through her hair as she sat down before putting her face into her hands "God, I'm so stupid. I told him that I didn't want to be around him, because he makes me happy. And then I ran away," Lorelai sat down next to her daughter "Yeah, that's pretty stupid. But, I wouldn't worry too much. I think everything will be okay,"

A/N - One thing about me is I love writing dramatic storylines.  Also, I would just like to say that I am Avery and Avery is me because I run away from my feelings and emotion too. 

I hope you guys are enjoying the story! Thanks for reading!

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