2.10 - Wedding bell blues

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Avery, Rory, and Lorelai are preparing a feast of frozen waffles, pop tarts and similar food

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Avery, Rory, and Lorelai are preparing a feast of frozen waffles, pop tarts and similar food. Rory's laptop is set up at the table and she is burning CD's while Avery is sitting next to her mindlessly flipping through a magazine as they "cook". "Okay, I know I was the one that said I was craving mashed potatoes, but, oh my God, they're a lot of work." Lorelai said as she stood at the counter reading the instruction on a box "It's instant mashed potatoes. Keyword: Instant" Avery told her mother.

"Oh, no, not instant. I have to mix water and butter into it, not to mention the adding of salt and pepper. Hey, what's the spoon for?" Lorelai asked. "Stir to combine." Avery said, looking up from her magazine. "Pfft. Right. What do I use the spoon for?" Lorelai waves her hand around in the bowl, using her finger to combine everything, causing Avery to grimace "You're an animal,"

"Okay, You spend too much time with the hoity tioty's," Lorelai retorts, earning an eye roll from the younger twin. "I'm going into the living room now," Avery tells the woman "Wait, how badly do you want the mashed potatoes?" Avery gives her mom a look "You were the one who wanted the mashed potatoes," says as she exits the kitchen and goes into the living room, throwing herself on the couch.


After a call and supposed freak out from Emily Gilmore about her dress for hers and Richard's vow renewal, the Gilmore girls had to put their night on hold. "Mom, great. Come on in. Okay, so, is that the dress?" Lorelai asks, opening the front door and letting her mother inside. "Hey, grandma. Big day tomorrow, huh?" Avery greets the woman "That wasn't your dinner, was it?" Emily asks, looking at the plethora of junk food on the coffee table. "No, that was just the appetizer" Rory tells her. "Mom, I don't see anything wrong," Lorelai says as she examines Emily's dress.

"Right there. That bead, that bead, and that bead. All loose," Emily says pointing at the dress. "Okay, I see it now. I don't know how I missed it. Well, this is going to take me no time at all, five minutes tops." Lorelai says "Well don't rush it," Lorelai quickly shakes her head "No, no, no rush. It's an easy job. Three and a half minutes and you're on your way. You don't even need to sit down, because by the time you do, this'll be done. In fact you should have just left the car running 'cause that's how quick this is going to be." She says before bolting upstairs

"So how you holding up, grandma?" Rory asks. Avery shoots up from her spot on the couch "I'm gonna go help mom" The younger twin says before rushing upstairs and into her mom's room. Lorelai looks up at her daughter "Didn't want to listen to her talk, huh?" Avery shakes her head "No, I love grandma and I'm so happy for her. But, she's called me four times this week to complain and it hurts my head," The girl says, sitting on her mom's bed.

"I'm sorry, honey. So, who are you bringing?" Lorelai asks "Huh?" Avery furrows her brows "To the vow renewal. Who are you bringing as your date?" Lorelai questions again "Oh. I'm bringing Rosie. I figured if I have to sit through this thing I might as well have her with me to make it bearable," Avery tells her.


Emily's impromptu bachelorette party the Gilmore girls were standing in the kitchen talking "Hey, do you think the Sheldrakes will be unhappy at the Bluestone Club?" Avery asks as she looks at the seating chart for the vow renewal, smiling to herself when she saw her friends names "Oh, I have no idea. However, I do know that Dinky Shaw is going to be sitting next to her ex-husband's daughter from his second marriage. This is the daughter whose conception caused the second marriage. And everybody should bring an extra roll of film." Lorelai says

"Seems mean getting kicked out like that," Rory says, sitting next to her sister "Seem Gilmore," Lorelai scoff. "Mom," Avery sighs "Girls, this is how it works in my parents' world. Trust me, the Sheldrakes are busy screwing someone at the Bluestone out of something as we speak." Lorelai tells the twins "If you say so," Rory mutters

"These people live in a universe where they feel entitled to get what they want, when they want it, and they don't care who's in their way. I hate that world. Vapid. Selfish. It's like that Life and Death Brigade you wrote about." Lorelai continues. Avery's head snaps over to look at her mom. "You know, like a bunch of selfish rich kids, the children of entitlement, blowing off school. Drinking for days. Spending thousands on a stupid and potentially dangerous stunt, knowing full well that they're not going to get in trouble, 'cause Daddy is important. They're all the same."

"I thought we talked about this," Avery snaps defensively "They're not all the same. You don't even know them. And that's not what I wrote. I didn't say all those things about them. You're just reading whatever you want to into it." Rory says, becoming defensive as well. Avery nods agreeing with her sister's words. "Okay, sorry," Lorelai says. The younger twin huffs and walks out of the room.

"What's her deal?" Lorelai asks, turning to Rory. "You just insulted her friends. Did you know that she's a part of the life and death brigade?" Rory asks, earning a shocked look from Lorelai "Yeah, I was surprised too. But, when I was there, I watched Avery with them. And mom, I can't tell you the last time I've seen Avery that happy. Avery looks so in place with them. You may not like it, but they're her people. They're good for her," Rory says, defending her sister.

"Okay, I get it. New subject" Lorelai says with a defeated look on her face "Hey, do you think my mother would notice if she and my dad were suddenly at different tables?" She asks, earning a look from Rory.


The Gilmore girls and Luke had arrived at the venue for Emily and Richard's vow renewal. They were late, go figure. Avery had not spoken to her mother all morning, still upset about the conversation from the previous night. Luke was complaining about his pants until Avery cut him off. "I'm gonna go change," She muttered before walking away. Lorelai sighed and watched her daughter walk away.

Avery had grown tired of how judgmental Lorelai was being. She always assumed the worst of people, especially the people Avery was friends with. She had done it with Jess and now she was doing it with her friends at Yale. Come to think of it, the only person Lorelai hadn't been quick to judge was Tristan, that clearly didn't go over very well. Lorelai seemed to only dislike the people that were actually good for Avery and the youngest Gilmore couldn't stand it.


"Hey," Avery looked over at Rosemary who had just returned from getting both of them drinks. "Thanks" the brunette muttered to her friend as she handed her a drink. "You've had this dejected look on your face all night. Are you okay?" Rosemary asked, looking at Avery with a soft expression "Yeah. I got into an argument with my mom. But, it's fine," Avery tells the redhead, giving her a tight lipped smile. "What was it about?"

"My choice in friends. Apparently I pick bad ones," Avery says "Ouch, Angel. Words hurt you know," Avery turned around to see Colin standing there with a smirk on his face. "I'm gonna go find Finn," Rosemary says, leaving Avery and Colin alone. "You look nice," The boy tells her. Avery smiles "Thanks. So do you,"

"Now what's this I hear about you choosing bad friends?" Colin asks, grabbing Avery's hand and pulling her onto the dance floor. Avery smiles at him and shakes her head "Nothing, just something my mother said." She says. "Tell me about it,"

Lorelai watched from the other side of the room as Avery danced with Colin. She watched as the youngest Gilmore's face lit up as she talked to him. She watched as the girl laughed when he spun her. She watched as the smile on her daughter's face somehow grew even bigger when Rosemary and Finn walked up. Rory was right, Avery had found her place with them. But, Lorelai couldn't help but feel like she didn't fit into the life that her daughter was creating for herself. And that terrified her. She could feel Avery slowly slipping away. 

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