3 - The road trip to Harvard

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Avery sighed as she leaned her head against the car window and propped her legs up across the back seat

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Avery sighed as she leaned her head against the car window and propped her legs up across the back seat. The girl was tired. She was tired of listening to Rory argue with their mother about where they were going and she was tired of listening to Lorelai complaining about their lack of music. "Mom, it's gonna be dark in a couple of hours and I really don't want to sleep in the car." Avery says, speaking up for the first time in a while.

"Ugh. My sense of adventure did not translate to my offspring," Lorelai groaned "Now, to the best of my map reading abilities, we're heading toward Portsmouth, New Hampshire," Rory said holding up a map. "Portsmouth, Huh?" Lorelai questioned "What?" Rory asked "I actually have a friend in Portsmouth. Donald, uhh, something-or-other Stein,"

"Close personal friend, huh?" Avery snorted "Donald moved there a couple of years ago and opened a B&B," Lorelai told her daughters. The twins groaned in sync "No, it's supposed to be pretty cool," Lorelai argued. Avery quirked a brow "A cool B&B?" she asked her tone lace with skepticism. "Yes"


The Gilmore girls arrived at the B&B and Avery looked over at her mother "You're a liar," Lorelai rolled her eyes and walked up to the front desk. "Hello there," The woman sitting at the desk greets the three "Hi," Lorelai responds while the twins just smile at her. "Would you like to ring the bell?" the woman asks. Avery furrowed her brows and glanced at her sister "I'm sorry?" their mom asked, equally confused as her daughters.

"Would you like to ring the bell? You or your daughters?" The woman asks again. "I don't understand," Lorelai says, shaking her head. "I'm not usually sitting here when guests arrive, so people ring the bell and they love to ring the bell, and you didn't get to ring the bell." The woman explains. Avery just stares at the woman for a second before pushing herself in between Lorelai and Rory. The younger twin rings the bell and looks at the lady behind the desk "Do you have any rooms available?" Rory nudges Avery in the side, earning a glare from the girl. "Yes we most certainly do, you lucky pretty things you," The lady said standing up with a smile on her face.


The woman , whom the girls had learned was named Ladonn, showed them to their room. The second the room to the door opened, Avery's face was taken over by a look of horror. "Ahhh" Avery said with a shiver. "What is it dear?" Ladonn asked "Oh, um its-" Avery stuttered out "It's a lot of flowers" Rory spoke for her sister. "Thank you! I get a ton of compliments on this room," Ladonn told them while place their bags down.

"Are they moving?" Avery asked as she glanced around the room. "It looks like it, doesn't it? There's foil in the paper and it gives it that illusion. Isn't it terrific?" Ladonn asks "It's definitely something" Avery says while pursing her lips. "B&B-ers love a peaceful setting so that they can unwind from their hectic lives. What business are you in, dear?"

Lorelai looks at the woman "Oh, me? Publishing" She lies "How interesting," Ladonn says. Lorelai just hums in response "Now if you need anything, you just ring down or come down 'cause I love company. And, oh, I don't want to forget to give you our activity list. Never a dull moment around here."

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