2.14 - But I'm a Gilmore

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"I'm serious

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"I'm serious. If I was kidnapped, I'd be given back. If you give me the chance I can spend hours talking. I once went on a two hour long rant with Luke while reading the prisoner of Azkaban. It only ended because he kicked me out of the diner," Avery told Colin as they walked hand and hand around through the courtyard at school. They had just gotten back from a date and neither of them wanted it to end, so they just decided to get coffee and wander around talking.

"How do you go on a two hour rant about a book?" Colin asks looking down at the girl with a smile "Hey, if you give me the right book and the time, I could go on for days," She tells him. "One weekend I'm gonna test that theory," He says. Avery looks up at him and smiles "Can I choose the book?" she asks. Colin laughs and nods "Yes, you can choose the book," he tells her as they reach her dorm. "Then it's a deal."

"I had fun tonight," She says "I'm glad. I did too," he says as he leans down and places a kiss on her lips. Avery smiles into the kiss before pulling away "I'll call you tomorrow," He tells her before giving her another kiss as she opens her door. "Okay, goodnight," Colin leaves and Avery walks into her dorm, closing the door behind her with a big smile on her face.

"Someone looks happy," Avery jumps at the voice and looks over toward the couch "Honor? Jesus you scared the crap out of me. What are you doing here?" Avery asks when she sees a blonde sitting on her couch. Honor was Logan's older sister. She and Avery had met several times at brunches with Mrs. Huntzberger. They had become relatively close since they used each other's company to keep them sane at Shira's gatherings.

"I have some big news. I already stopped by my brothers, by the way did you know he has a girlfriend. Like an actual girlfriend?" Honor says getting up from the couch and giving Avery a hug. Avery laughs slightly, pulling away from the hug. "He's dating my sister. Of course I knew. So what's your news?" The younger girl asks. Honor smiles and holds up her hand. Avery lets out a gasp at the sight of the engagement ring on her hand. "Oh my god. Josh proposed" The brunette exclaims happily.

"Yeah. I'm having dinner with my parents to tell them. I invited Logan and Rory but I was hoping you would come. My parents love you so they would automatically be in a good mood if you were there," Honor tells her "As amazing as that sounds and as much as I would love to be there to support you, I can't. I have a test coming up and I need to study or there is no doubt in mind that I will fail," Avery says, earning a sigh from the blonde.

"It's okay, I get it. Now, tell me what made you so smiley when you walked in," Honor says, pulling Avery over to the couch. "I just got back from a date," Avery tells her with a giddy smile. Honor lets out a small gasp of excitement "With who?" The blonde asks "Colin," Avery answers "It's about time you guys got together. Now tell me everything. From the beginning and don't skip out on any details,"


Rory shifted uncomfortably as she sat at the dinner table with Logan and his family. The only thing that could be heard was the scraping of forks and knives against the glass plates. "So grandpa. How's the new boat?" Logan asks his grandfather, Elias, in an attempt to break the silence. "It's a boat. It floats," Elias responds gruffly. "I hear it's beautiful. When are you going to let me take her out?" Logan asks

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